MPEG Color Washed Out : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am trying to create VCD's for playback on an ordinary Sony DVD/VCD player. Having some trouble with the colors being washed out of the MPEG (even before burning onto the CD) ... the .avi looks okay. I'm using Matrox Mavel G400 for capture and have a TV hooked up to the outputs to view directly from the computer. I am trying the demo version of the Panasonic encoder and have tried tweaking a few of the settings to no avail ... any ideas?

-- Jeff (, January 20, 2000


The panasonic MPEG encoder is excellent encoder with the least blockiness but it does have two faults. It is slow especially when using its filters but it also washes out the colors. When I capture, I oversaturate the color by 20% to compensate for this lost. The Panasonic encoder overall is excellent and inexpensive, easily obtained by downloading within minutes after accepting your credit card order. Hopefully, in future updates, this will be corrected.

-- (, January 20, 2000.

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