Telecom NZ does not know what the date is. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I have just tried to contact Telecom NZ, to change the method I use to pay my monthly account, but without success. this is copy of an email I have just sent them which explains everything.

Hello Telecom,

I wish to report a fault, however I find I am unable to do so via the phone. The fault is with your own 123 phone number.

Shortly after 10:00 am to day I dialled 123 to arrange to pay our monthly account by direct debit, (or easi-debit as you list it on your account). but after dialling 123 I received an automated message giving me a range of options, but arranging such payment was not one of them. However having got to the end of the list of options, and trying to remember what number to press to get which service, I pressed the number that I thought may be closest to the service I wished.

Ring-ring, Ring-ring....... (2 minutes later) Ring-ring.... I hang up and tried again. I dialled 123, got the same atomated message with the same options. This time I opted for operator assistance and dialed 0, Ring-ring, Ring-ring....... (2 minutes later) Ring-ring.... I hang up and tried again. I dialled 123, got the same atomated message with the same options. As it was obvious that you had a fault on your internal service I thought it appropriate to advise you of this first,so I chose the faults option. Another automated message asking if the fault was with the number I was calling from, (a bit difficult if that phone doesn't work), or from another number. I chose the option to report a fault with another number. Up comes another automated message, "Please enter the number you wish to report the fault on followed by the hash key". I typed in 123#, and immediately received another message telling me that the number was not recognised.

"OK" I thought, 'Try again to arrange the direct debit for our account". This is starting to be a bit of a challenge. So once again I hang up and redial 123. The same automated message with the same list of options. I pressed 2 for the option that deals with accounts. The time is now 10:22, and Ring-ring, Ring-ring...... then, lo and behold, another recorded message asking me to hold. Well now this is progress, so I held and listened to the music, and I held, and... another recorded message. This time saying "I am sorry that your call has not been attended to, but please hold and our customer service person will attend to you shortly". Well, I held, and held. I decided that I would hold on all morning if neccessary untill I could talk to a person. Every few minutes that same recorded message would come up, followed by the same irritating music, but I persevered., and I held. However it seems that Telecom had one more weapon in its arsenal to prevent me from talking to a person. At 10:42 am the phone went dead. No music, no dial tone .. nothing. I dialed 123 again, but this time the recorded message was different. "Your call cannot be connected due to overloading, please call again later"

But at least, now I know why you have a problem answering calls on 123. Telecom does not know that 123 is its own phone number.


Malcolm Taylor

PS. When I first tried to click on I received an error message telling me that the encyption method failed due to an expired autorisation (or similar) on my computer. It went on to say that the date it read on my computer is Thursday 13 Jan 2000, which is incorrect, and I should correct the date and try again. But today IS Thursday 13th Jan 2000.

-- Malcolm Taylor (, January 12, 2000


That last paragraph should read

PS. When I first tried to click on [SEND TO TELECOM] I received an error message telling me that the encyption method failed due to an expired autorisation (or similar) on my computer. It went on to say that the date it read on my computer is Thursday 13 Jan 2000, which is incorrect, and I should correct the date and try again. But today IS Thursday 13th Jan 2000.

I must teach myself not to use GT and LT symbols on these forums. :-)

-- Malcolm Taylor (, January 12, 2000.


The reference to expired authorization calls to mind recent reports that an authorization related portion of some versions of Netscape expire(d) Dec 31, 1999.


-- Jerry B (, January 12, 2000.


You sure have been a trustworthy soul on this forum. Keep up the good work!

-- Tommy Rogers (Been there@Just a, January 12, 2000.

Persistence... and determination... are omnipotent.

And a door to knock on would be a good idea too.


Good luck Malcolm! (Be grateful for the e-mails). And keep that power on so they can figure it out.


-- Diane J. Squire (, January 13, 2000.

How smug you are for someone with an obsolete browser...

-- Servant (, January 13, 2000.

Sorry, Public, The browser is not obsolete, and I have had no issues with encryption to other sites.

-- Malcolm Taylor (, January 13, 2000.

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