Considering the big move? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
A number of families here in East Texas have founded a semi-self-sufficient rural Christian community. A place like this couldn't be found so we're re-inventing it!We had always wanted to get out of the fast lane. And history had convinced us the world is subject to violent ups and downs. It didn't take much to realize we were poorly prepared for the downs. God's grace led us to a huge, secluded property with woods, water, game and tillable soil. We organized and built an infrastructure complete with roads, utilities and our own power resources.
On this we laid a foundation of preparedness. We readied ourselves for difficult times. We prepared for those who couldn't -- our children and grandchildren and seniors who will need care. But we prepared above all because scripture commends it. We determined our corporate mission was to become an asset to the church and wider community. We are NOT survivalists, we are NOT militia types, nor cultists, and we are NOT a commune. We are committed Christian brothers and sisters from various churches who want to be used by God for the great harvest of souls to come in troubled times. We intend come good or bad times to be a tranquil bay protected from a turbulent sea.
We built our homes in many styles and sizes as each family could afford. Several are still underway though the community is nearly full of residents. We are now planting our fields, pasturing our horses and cattle and learning to be close to God's garden. And as we go from day to day in our rural community we enjoy God's blessings and each other. Here the doors can stay unlocked, and the neighborly visit is an everyday thing. We help each other with projects and common tasks. We enjoy learning the old ways and living out lives pleasing to God. We meet to study God's word. And we have joyous fellowships. Many of us are telecommuters, nearly all are professional people working nearby in a small city. We have lots of kids both Christian schooled and homeschooled.
Today our community is remarkable, even miraculous. It is fitted together with the variety and diversity of people only God could accomplish. It is currently a beehive of activity "in community" (An experience like no other but that described in the book of Acts.) New buildings, roads, wells, gardens, are going up everywhere. We give thanks to God for His faithfulness.
It's not an inexpensive decision to move to the country but for those of us who can it's been worth it. We're better people for having made the effort. And we are driven to leave a legacy for our children and grandchildren.
Are there any other families out there who are called to do the same? Does this describe something your family is ready for? If God has blessed you to be a blessing to others and told you to "get out of the fast lane" contact us. Tell us about your Christian calling, your skills, your family, your current preparations, your ability to act and a phone where we can talk.
We are praying for those God sends to join us.
-- RK Mount (, January 11, 2000
Things that sound too good to be true, usually aren't. Please be realistic and tell us the downside, too. Money is usually the root of all evil. Do you all have a giant single bank account? How do you pay for roads and community property projects? Is is run like a gated community? Board of directors? In what ways are the residents committed to the community? What kind of aggreements are signed?
-- Jan Allan (, January 13, 2000.
Please read 1 Tim. 6:10.
-- hoot gibson (, January 13, 2000.