Cokin Filters for Minox : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Cokin makes a filter system for point-n-shoot cameras. Has anyone tried this system on the Minox 35?



-- Brian Warshawsky (, January 10, 2000


no, not tried yet. but: there is a UV-filter for the Minox 35, and this is made (as far as I know) from Heliopan. This company do make all kinds of filters, so they should also make other filters of demand for the 35 (as special order). There is an internet page:

-- Oliver (, January 11, 2000.

It's right! Cokin made an adaptator for the compact cameras. It fits PERFECTLY on a Minox 35. Rectangular filters are 2mm in front of the lens, firmly attached. And the system IS NOT mounted on the fragile lens, but on the bottom plate of the camera (using the tripod tread).

Unfortunately, I've been told that Cokin discontinued to produce these adaptators. I've found a shop which sell them. They've got them in stock since at least 5 years ! If you do not manage to find this Cokin accessory, send me an email, I could buy one for you (of course, withour doing any benefit!). It cost 10 Australian dollars.

-- Nicolas Oxstone (, February 29, 2000.

There is a metal bracket mount for compact camera and digital camera which has not filter thread

Custom mount for compact camrea

-- martin tai (, January 01, 2001.

Here is a place which sells compact camera holder for Cokin filter

Cokin filter


-- martin tai (, January 01, 2001.

I've found the Cokin filter adapter for the P&S is less than perfect. When mounted, it doesn't allow for the camera cover to be fully opened. I've tried it only once on my GT-E and gave up. I'd like to know if the advice that it "works perfectly" is based on experienc or just reading an older Cokin brouchure. Seems we should be careful with such evaluations when not actually trying the device on the camera. BTW, I also have a Minox ML and the same results obtain: totally unusable!!!

-- Steve Dunn (, February 12, 2001.

Steve I suspect that Cokin had discontinued the older version of filter adapter which Nicolas Oxtone used. Since newer compact cameras are thinner, the revised filter holder fits the newer compact and does not fit Minox, which needs more head room. Since Nicolas Oxtone now runs you may post a question and ask him about it

-- martin tai (, February 12, 2001.

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