Software believed to have caused widespread phone problems in Australia : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
ABC news Australia reports that software is believed to have caused widespread phone problems Telstra says it believes a software problem is responsible for problems in accessing the South Australian phone network today.Link to story:
-- Carl Jenkins (, January 10, 2000
Greetings from South Australia's South East Region where I enjoy the climate. It's hot today. Very hot!Experiencing lots of phone problems. A previous post mentions telephone trouble in America too. Gosh. Welcome to the third world...
FWIW regular dead spots are making clocking on to your fab b/board a real drag. No idea what causes these dead spots in the calls.
Regards etc.
-- Pieter (, January 11, 2000.
Thanks Carl,Diane
Software believed to have caused widespread phone problems[Fair Use: For Educational/Research Purposes Only]
Telstra says it believes a software problem is responsible for problems in accessing the South Australian phone network today.
Kirsteen Lee, from Telstra, says callers trying to reach South Australia from Sydney and Melbourne are receiving busy signals.
She says the problem is also affecting people in South Australia trying to make STD calls within the state, and that local calls are also experiencing intermittent problems.
"Mobile phone users will still be able to make calls to other mobile phones."
"We've got our people dealing with the problem right now, we're unsure as to when full services are likely to be restored, but we're progressively restoring the service."
) 2000 Australian Broadcasting Corporation
-- Diane J. Squire (, January 11, 2000.