: LUSENET : Discuss Gere : One Thread |
Did Richard Gere go to school in North Sryacuse,N.Y. And is that where his parents live. I live in N.Syracuse. I was told that he had a house built for his parents and they live down the road from us. Everytime we go by the house i tell my 2 kids his parents live there. My son looked at his Biography and it doesn't mention he went to N.Syr.High. He thinks it is a rumor. Will you let me know so i can show my son your answer. Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon. Butch. My son is David and my Daughter is Jennifer
-- Butch Flansburg (, January 10, 2000
Yes, I head that also. I grew up in Elmira, NY, so I know what your talking about. Mabey you should take a walk up to his parents house, like your selling girlscout cookies, (Hey you can't blame me, it is a thought.)
-- Samantha (, April 03, 2001.
Yes, he went to school in North Syracuse. My sister graduated in 1962 from North Syracuse HS and was acquainted with his older sister. His family lived on the next street over from Willow Road-- if you went out of our front door and across the yard of the neighbor across the street, you'd end up in the Gere's back yard. I don't know where they live now. He was in my brother's Cub Scout den.
-- Vicki Garrett (, August 05, 2001.