Sweet Potatoes in Colder climates?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I live on the plains of eastern Colorado and want to try to grow sweet potatoes. The garden catalogs all say Georgia Jet or similar types will grow as far north as Maine, but we get very little moisture in the winter months and the soil is very dry. Has anyone in this area or Kansas on the plains tried to grow them? What varieties worked? Any secrets you could share? I thought about growing my own slips from a potato purchased at the store, but wouldn't know what variety it is. Thanks!
-- Janice Bullock (Janice12@aol.com), January 10, 2000
Janice, I've grown sweets from sprouted grocery store sweet potatoes. Did just fine. I'm also on the plains and it gets very dry. Irrigation is always helpful. Gurney's in Yankton SD sells sweet potatoes intended for more northern areas. I've never tried them. Gerbil
-- Gerbil (ima_gerbil@hotmail.com), January 10, 2000.
We live in an area where sweet potatoes usually won't grow. I was successful by hilling up some dirt in a row, then covering the hill with black plastic (I held it down with rocks on the sides). Then you make a little "X" slit in the top and put your potatoe slip in there. The black plastic over the hill keeps the temperature up and holds the moisture in.Kim
-- Kim (farmer40@webtv.net), January 10, 2000.
I grow "Georgia Jets" in Zone 4 (New Hampshire) with no problem. Raised beds and deep waterings.
-- Brad (Rodent@worldpath.net), January 13, 2000.
I live in east central Minnesota. Zone 3. I have raised sweet potatoes in an old bathtub filled with my own mixed soil. Make sure they get enough water. I mulch when I plant and then the vines take over. They have done really well for me, considering where I am. I have always used the ones from Gurney's zoned for the closest to me. I've never tried sprouting my own, but it sounds interesting. Good Luck!
-- Patti Morris (pmorris@ecenet.com), January 14, 2000.