Dennis Olson in Y2K trouble! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

We should find out who this company is and boycott them.

Dennis Olson Member posted January 06, 2000 04:11 PM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- My client canceled my contract without notice. A buddy in the office emailed me Tuesday to say that everyone was talking about us, and how we made the FRONT PAGE of their local paper. Later that afternoon, my agent called to say that the client canceled the contract without warning. What a nice guy that manager was, hmmmm?

Well, now we're totally HOSED, and will soon have severe cashflow probs. (I was off 3 weeks for Christmas & rollover). So, we're already on the edge.

A great way to ring in the new year, huh?


Your prayers would sure help here.... Thanks.

-- Can't Believe this!!! (, January 07, 2000


Who is Dennis Olson, and why do we need to boycott his company?

-- Ralph Wiggam (, January 07, 2000.

What you are seeing here is the expected backlash that will be delivered upon Y2K fruitcakes. This company should be found and congratulated for their common sense. I saw Mr. Olson on TV and have followed many of his BS postings. Unemployment was his just reward. As George Carlin so eloquently stated, Reality, what a concept. Now for the adoption thing..

-- Look (at@the.facts), January 07, 2000.

This thread was deleted. Who is Dennis Olson and what happened?

-- Forrest Covington (, January 07, 2000.

If prayers will help, Dennis, you got 'em...

-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), January 07, 2000.

Once again, the vile, contemptible nature of the pollies elbows its way to the fore.

-- Ron Schwarz (, January 07, 2000.

Wasn't he the one bragging about his six figure income in the great baby debate the other day?

I guess he was prepared for the end of the world but not the loss of his job. Hmmmm......

Perhaps this is a lesson that we should prepare most for those events with the highest likelihood of occurring.

-- zzzzz (zzzz@zzzz.zzzz), January 07, 2000.

Ohhhh...that was THIS GUY?

-- Grant Naylor (, January 07, 2000.

Someone finally realized a REAL Y2K disaster! Dope!

-- Dennis Dean (, January 07, 2000.

How typical of the broomsquad to wax hypocritical by constantly *accusing* those who prepared of wishing ill on others, all the while *themselves* demonstrating their vile contempt for *their* victims.

Go ahead, jerk. Revel in his misery. Prove your disgusting hypocrisy to the whole world.

-- Ron Schwarz (, January 07, 2000.

Ron: one word.


-- Dennis Dean (, January 07, 2000.

I'll get flamed again but here goes----- This man opened his home to a mother and baby when many of us thought the future was very uncertain. I think he must be a pretty nice guy.

-- Pam (, January 07, 2000.

Well, I gotta agree, Dennis.

You certainly are one.

-- Ron Schwarz (, January 07, 2000.

I don't know, Pam, I think he has an anger control problem. Remember this post?

-- Grant Naylor (, January 07, 2000.


-- (, January 07, 2000.

Dennis, I agree that it takes a special type of person to open his home and his heart to an unwed Mother and her new baby. I can't believe that some of our forum members would actually flame you for your generosity. They are to be pitied not you. Cinderella

-- Ruth Edwards (, January 07, 2000.

He is a computer consultant. He also spent $30K on this hoax - how much of that was paid for by his bilking his employer with Y2K preps? Anyone working for me in the last year whom I could have identified as a doomer/alarmist wouldn't have kept their job this long. Sorry, I try to employ people with common sense.

-- H.H. (, January 07, 2000.

Well now, isn't that special. There's been several people who have posted on this forum who got burned for sticking their neck out too far. Remember Stan and the Stitt family? Then Stan and his distribution preps problem. And then all the other characters who wrote books, tapes, and articles the past 2 years only to be a total embarassment to colleagues and friends. If there's one thing that I have learned from this whole experience, it's better to keep your mouth shut and don't be a fool than to open it up for verification.

-- tight lipped (tightlipped@tightlippedd.xcom), January 07, 2000.

Dennis isn't even a very up-to-dte programmer. Check this out:

"I'm a contract computer guy. Last few years have been primarily on high-end HP-3000 systems, in every role from System Manager to systems analyst, programmer/analyst, etc. Much experience in automated shop-floor data-collection and control systems, bar-code equip, and RF terminals. I have IBM mainframe as well, but it's been a few years, and I don't think I'm marketable there anymore."

The stuff he works on is circa 1980 technology. With skills as outdated as those, I'm not surprised he's out of work- in this field, it's update or die.

-- Actual Programmer (, January 07, 2000.

I suppose his client took one look at how often Dennis Olsen posted to the Hyatt board, compared the times to Olsen's billable hours, and pretty much made the connection that he (the client) was paying for a substantial amount of Olsen's time on the doom and gloom board.

I just suppose the client GI more than the doomers think.

-- boomer (, January 07, 2000.


You sure have a heck of alot of time on your hands. Get back to work and don't blow your cover.

-- Rendonite (, January 07, 2000.

"He is a computer consultant. He also spent $30K on this hoax - how much of that was paid for by his bilking his employer with Y2K preps? Anyone working for me in the last year whom I could have identified as a doomer/alarmist wouldn't have kept their job this long. Sorry, I try to employ people with common sense"

*** *** ***

Gee, HH....

For starters, I believe the widely publicized figure was $20 thousand, not 30.

Next, explain for me, please, how one "bilks his employer with Y2k preps"? I could understand how one might be able to bilk one's employer FOR Y2k preps, but I don't think Dennis would do that. Are you suggesting that is in fact what he did do? If so, I believe that is called slander...

If indeed, you would have fired someone, or caused someone to lose their position with your company because of their belief that the CDC might pose problems for their family and had made preparations to ensure their safety/ability to eat/ability to stay warm, then truly, they would have been far better off. And just what means/methods would you choose to 'identify' a "Doomer", HH? Just curious.

It's pretty obvious you haven't been a manager long (if at all) really needs to be very careful about terminations these days, pal.

-- Wilferd (, January 07, 2000.

Hi Grant-- I actually missed that post you linked. I did read the original post. Yes, Dennis does sound very angry. Maybe because he did a good thing and was condemned for it. To me, what he did wasn't illegal--it was just generous.

-- Pam (, January 07, 2000.

Dennis himself did nothing wrong, it was the grandparents who tried to put their grandson up for an illegal adoption and sent their minor daughter and infant grandson to go live with strangers.

-- Listen carefully (, January 07, 2000.

Actual programmer: you don't run big manufacturing, insurance, etc. etc. shops on VisualBasic 6.0 running on a NT workstation.

Get back to your !FORMs, idiot.

-- another actual programmer (lisa@f.u), January 07, 2000.

I don't blame his client for getting rid of him. I mean, come on, you have to question the guy's judgement. $20,000? That is a lot of money to waste. I would not trust him with my money or my buisness. I hope he can still afford to send his kid to college. Could you imagine saying, "sorry son, but we spent your college money on hamburger helper?" His heart is, no doubt, in the right place, wanting to help his family and neighbors is very nice and worthy of limited praise. I don't doubt his motives, but I have serious doubts about his rationale and judgement. I'm sorry, the guy is just a little to screwy to be trusted with money.

-- Reagan Starblender (, January 07, 2000.

God bless you, Dennis, for caring for your family, and caring for strangers as well. You're probably gonna get the mansion of your Choice, in Heaven, man, and a generator with wheels(not that you'll need it.) But you've Proven yourself with God; He knows He can count on you to do the right thing. Keep the Faith!

-- DB (, January 07, 2000.

Next, explain for me, please, how one "bilks his employer with Y2k preps"?

Gee Mr. Owner - I am a genuine computer consultant and I have extensive proof that your entire system could "potentially" crash on 1/1/00. It will destroy your entire business. But I can fix it if we start now, it will cost you about $20k - maybe $30k the figure isn't certain.

means/methods would you choose to 'identify' a "Doomer", HH? Just curious.

Paranoid delusions and the refusal to listen to reason.

-- H.H. (, January 07, 2000.

Gee, Wilferd...

Whether the widely publicized figure was $20K or $30K really isn't germane. Either figure is outrageously high.

Next, explain for me, please, how wondering if -- not overtly stating -- that one may have bilked "his employer with Y2k preps" could be considered slander? If you have some legal knowledge that I lack on this score, I'm all ears. And just so we're all up to date, the accurate legal term is "defamation." Try a law dictionary, you'll find it in there.

It's pretty obvious you haven't been an attorney long (if at all) . . . "doomer" and "polly" status isn't covered under most wrongful termination clauses I've ever seen, pal. There are many lawful reasons to terminate and employee, and many grounds for legal retaliation, but being a "doomer" or a "polly" aren't valid retaliatory reasons I've ever heard of.

I'd hazard a guess that if Mr. Olson (or for that matter, ANY doomer or polly) was spending any time in Y2K-related activities while simultaneously billing his client, and his client found out about it, then his troubles aren't over yet. In such a case, he'd better watch out for a fraud lawsuit following on the heels of his termination. Just a legal observation.

--A. T. Torney

-- Art Torney (, January 07, 2000.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

And people wonder why it's so damn hard to get the straight scoop out of TPTB. I've learned on this board that there's vultures at every corner ready to pounce on anyone who open their mouths to warn or help.

-- Disgusted (, January 07, 2000.

Listen carefully,

Dennis himself did nothing wrong

Listen up and carefully...

He posted the information on the INTERNET looking for a solution.

Makes one wonder.

-- (wondering@it.all), January 07, 2000.


-- (, January 07, 2000.

Must be a glitch!

-- (off@i.say), January 07, 2000.

try this ?

-- kermit (, January 07, 2000.


-- Bob Dole (, January 07, 2000.

Why are people dumping on Dennis and accusing him of things that they know nothing of??? They are bearing false witness again your neighbor. Dennis, this is the opening of a new door. You are a good guy who did the right thing. The hell with these people who don't even know you and who are now slamming you--for NO reason.

-- Mara (, January 07, 2000.

Something to consider, before you try and peg a person as being "angry" or whatnot, is the fact that these boards bring out a different side in all of us. It would be a safe bet that most of us do not conduct our real world personal interactions with as much bravado as we have when we post....we are all guilty of this.

As for Dennis, hate him or praise him, but before you slam him look at the situation though that confused young mothers eyes, I bet she and her child are grateful beyond words, and in the end, thats the only opinion that counts.

Many of the men that post here need to take a long hard look at their past, many have probably been laid off or released at some point in thier careers...its a scary time especially when you have a family to support. You may not agree with the guys politics but put yourself in his shoes before you start slinging the mud, maybe you can remember the sleepless nights and show a little sensitivity.


-- RainMan (, January 07, 2000.

Sure, laugh at Dennis all you want. The man did what he felt was the right thing for his family. Since his contract would have provided the money to pay for these things, it was his decision to make. Many of those things he bought can and will probably used in the future (food, generator, for instance), but the real question is, how many of you kind people bought a few extra things that *you* didn't normally need? I remember a post some time back wherein several people reported that they'd quit jobs, sold houses, moved, run up debt...on and on...have you all forgotten that? There but for the grace of God go I?

I know Dennis, so I'll let you in on a little secret about just how generous a person Dennis really is. A while after I met him, I mentioned to him just exactly how much income per year my family lives on. (We were discussing the ability to prepare for y2k and whether or not lower income people could really afford to do this.) Dennis didn't hesitate. He asked me if he could give me some money to help me put some preps under my belt. It's pretty obvious by my income that I'd never be able to pay that back, but there was the offer anyway. Interesting irony, huh? Flame away, but I thought that was incredibly generous of him. And it seems that some of you people take great joy in this man's troubles? Shame on you.

I think his client was stupid and short-sighted. Personally, I'd like to have an employee who cares for his family, takes personal responsibility, and prepares for the future.

-- someof (you@re.fools), January 07, 2000.

"And it seems that some of you people take great joy in this man's troubles? Shame on you."

The "real" pollies have all gone home. All that's left of them is trolls who take great joy in sadism.

-- (Trolls are ugly@sad.sad), January 07, 2000.

Please Lisa. I've been in IT for over fifteen years now. HP 3000 is about as current as Dec Vax, and has about as much future potential. Dennis's experience and skils are fast becoming obsolete. Maybe you don't run a big manufacturing concerns on an NT server, but you sure as hell wouldn't stay with HP 3000 if you didn't have to. But you knew that, didn't you?

-- Actual Programmer (, January 07, 2000.

I agree, backoff of Mr.Dennis Olson. He has done nothing to you people and I have read many of his posts on Hyatt's board. In fact, I am a member of Hyatt's board and proud of it. WE do not put up with these kind of slams there. From his posts I have a high respect for Mr. Olson.

As for you Actual Programmer,

I have been in IT for 27 years and do not discount the HP3000 yet. I agree NT is the up and coming thing competing with UNIX. But, HP3000 running MPE OS is not out of here yet. There are many of them still out there. In fact Legato NetWorker is working with HP on these HP3000's to port there application to it for backup and restore. If Legato is doing this, I must say there is a business case to justify it.


-- SANman (, January 08, 2000.

Dennis did an honorable thing in taking care of the mother and child. There could have been much worse actions or advice given, especially in the tension-filled time before Y2K.

However, it looks like some at Debunkies had a hand in Dennis' misfortune. Please see my "Hey Dennis!" thread for an explanation. I hope he can take those creeps to court and expose them for the social retards that they are. Their hatred and bile is nauseating in the extreme, and this kind of intentional malice (on their part) should have broken a legal code or ten somewhere in the books...

-- Deb M. (, January 08, 2000.

Yeah, it was the Debunkies alright. They had the news crew following Dennis around and forced him to store hundreds of boxes of tuna/hamburger helper and other supplies in order to brand him as a nutcase. Then they insisted that the article be on the front page of the local paper, so it would get as much publicity as possible.

Those rotten Debunkies. How dare they force someone to store preps and then be interviewed about it!!!

-- (, January 08, 2000.

I pretty much only follow this board when names I recognize are in the title, and rarely even comment on those. I DO think, however, that some folks are a bit confused about how some things work regarding independent contracting, so will add a few notes.

It's my understanding that Dennis obtained this contract through a consulting firm. I call them pimps myself, as they find us work and take xx% off the top of every dollar we make at a client's site. This "arrangement" is preferred by the client because it frees the client from the employee/employer relationship. Dennis was paid via W-2 by the pimp. The client is under no obligation to provide any excuse for terminating the arrangement. They can terminate because an attitude was too cavalier, because another employee became jealous, or just pull the plug. The "employment" between the pimp and the independent consultant lasts only as long as the client chooses. After that, we're on our own again.

As an independent contractor myself, and having a network of other independents, I know [and Dennis knows] that he was damn lucky to have gotten this gig in the first place. It's a pretty good living when we're working, but most independents save $1.00 for every $2.00 they make because we never know when the plug will be pulled and/or the market dries up [which it did when all the Y2k freezes came into play.]

Regarding the publicity and Dennis and his family placed on the front page of a newspaper, this may or may not have had something to do with the client's decision. As I said, the client doesn't need an excuse. It's my understanding that Dennis responded to a reporter's query early in 1999 that solicited IT folks who were preparing for Y2k. He can correct me on that one if I'm incorrect. They apparently saved his name and contacted him later and that resulted in further interviews and more widespread coverage.

Regarding debunker involvement in Dennis losing his job, Deb, I find no evidence to support this. Folks on both sides of the coin of Y2k contacted agencies expressing their concern regarding the baby thing. Of course I don't know what was published in the front-page article that seemed to float around the office of Dennis' client, but I suspect it had more to do with "IT guy preps for Y2k" than anything about the baby, and all Dennis' buddy said was that folks had noticed the article. would be pretty hard to state that this was the reason for the contract ending. Again, a reason wasn't even necessary. I was one of three sub-contractors once who lost her job simply because the consulting firm had put other systems into production for our client before we came on that were consistently failing. No notice at all. Here today, gone the next. It IS a bummer!

Let's hope we all get jobs again soon.

-- Anita (, January 08, 2000.

According to "Troll Spotter" (which is obviously another of CPR's many "identities" on "Debunker", so newbies don't know he's mostly talking to himself), the wonderful people at "Debunker" did help with this situation. I'm sure these "compassionate Christians" are an inspiration to us all.

-- Steve Heller (, January 08, 2000.

Hmmm........ we just dropped half a mill for a bigger 3000.

When your Compaq 5000 achieves the reliability of the 3000 series, maybe they'll make a litle money on their mid-to-high end servers.

Oh, and by the way, the AS/400 technology is about as 'old'.

They are pretty slick though, the new ones, what with being black and all.

PC Weenie.

-- another actual programmer. (, January 08, 2000.

Mr. Heller:

You pointed to pretty much the same thing that Deb did...the BABY thing. As I said previously, folks on BOTH sides of the Y2k coin had some problems with that one, and folks on both sides contacted various authorities.


I remember a while back you E-mailed me something regarding an HP position. Perhaps you can send something similar to Dennis?

-- Anita (, January 08, 2000.

Dennis, it wouldn't be contract: it's in Austin.

I do have some ideas, though:

-- lisa (lisa@MPE-IX.5.5_patch 5), January 08, 2000.

Welllllll, did we get off the subject Dennis????????????

I like that, lisa MPE and others here......... You willimg too talk technology??????????? NOW.... OR are you still want to slam others????????????????????? On second thought, good night and sleep in peace.

-- SANman (, January 09, 2000.

Here's another post at Debunkies where they're talking about Dennis:

Yes, I know

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Posted by ( Clear-headed Advocate for the Child on January 08, 2000 at 17:20:24:

In Reply to: Anyone have the latest on what's going on with the infant initial public offering? posted by Mr Polly on January 08, 2000 at 15:42:59:

"Please post an e-mail address and I will send you pertinent information. I hate to be cloak and dagger about it all, but I'm sure you understand. You and I have conversed before, BTW."

Please see my "They're really getting defensive Hey Dennis II" thread to see more wonderful Debunkies personal attacks and their spin, spin, spin.

-- Deb M. (, January 09, 2000.

Here's another URL to show the Debunkies mentality:

Spamming TB 2000 in an effort to get answers on the Y2K Baby

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Posted by ( Nerd Rustler on January 05, 2000 at 17:59:29:

They aren't allowing any questions on this post to stay up, so I'm posting the question to all the new posts. I don't know what this will accomplish, except to keep it uppermost in people's minds. That, and to earn my banned wings.

Here's what I'm posting:

What about the Y2K adoption? Why do the sysops keep deleting posts about it? What are they trying to hide?

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Follow Ups:

They're letting the thread remain... so far... Nerd Rustler 18:25:41 01/05/00 (0)

-- Deb M. (, January 09, 2000.


Looks like an admission from CPR himself:

Hey, DEB. M ..........get facts before you run your BIG FAT MOUTH!!!!

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Posted by ( cpr on January 09, 2000 at 07:24:10:






-- Deb M. (, January 09, 2000.

So someone supposedly called the authorities to look into this. I fail to see the problem. Don't you care about the teenage mother and her newborn or do you just want to "hurt the pollies??"

-- (, January 09, 2000.


Of course I care about the mother and child. However, what I am bringing up is in defense of Dennis. It would seem to me that the Trolls (not pollies, big difference here) main intent was to cause woe to Dennis, not help the child in any way.

Please go to Debunkies and do a search of their archives. I think you'll find that with their past history, in my opinion, that selflessness and socially benefitting actions is not their best intentions, causing anger and torment does. I would point out the cases of recent attacks against "Long In Tooth" by "Mr. Polly" and other admissions of board spamming by other Debunkies regulars - not exactly outstanding citizens by any means.

I mean, why the secrecy, if they're doing something "law-abiding", why the eternal hate-spewing if they are so civic minded. I believe that they have done this, not to help the child, but to make sure they're right. Anything to disprove the doomers' theories or to put doomers in a bad light. I truly am suspect of any Debunkies motives...

I could be wrong, of course, but their past history, in the archives, does lead one to be very suspect of their motivations. Any logical thinking person would find that a reasonable conclusion.

-- Deb M. (, January 09, 2000.

Of course I care about the mother and child. However, what I am bringing up is in defense of Dennis. It would seem to me that the Trolls (not pollies, big difference here) main intent was to cause woe to Dennis, not help the child in any way.

How would bringing in the authorities only "causes woe to Dennis and not help the child in any way?"

Please go to Debunkies and do a search of their archives. I think you'll find that with their past history, in my opinion, that selflessness and socially benefitting actions is not their best intentions, causing anger and torment does. I would point out the cases of recent attacks against "Long In Tooth" by "Mr. Polly" and other admissions of board spamming by other Debunkies regulars - not exactly outstanding citizens by any means.

So, you don't like them. You've made that clear already.

I mean, why the secrecy, if they're doing something "law-abiding", why the eternal hate-spewing if they are so civic minded. I believe that they have done this, not to help the child, but to make sure they're right. Anything to disprove the doomers' theories or to put doomers in a bad light. I truly am suspect of any Debunkies motives...

What difference does it make what their motives are if it ends up helping the children?? Isn't that what you should be concerned about, rather than poor Dennis, who's well-prepped anyway??

I could be wrong, of course, but their past history, in the archives, does lead one to be very suspect of their motivations. Any logical thinking person would find that a reasonable conclusion.

Perhaps you should logically look at your own motivations and see why this really bothers you so much if it ends up helping chil

-- (, January 09, 2000.


"How would bringing in the authorities only "causes woe to Dennis and not help the child in any way?"

Perhaps legal trouble? I am suspicious because of their past behavior and tendency towards maliciousness.

"So, you don't like them. You've made that clear already."

Obviously. However, you're missing the point though. I am giving you the opportunity to do your own research as to their past behavior and possible motivations for their actions, other than civic- mindedness. I'm not sure why you're missing the point here, unless it's intentional...

"What difference does it make what their motives are if it ends up helping the children?? Isn't that what you should be concerned about, rather than poor Dennis, who's well-prepped anyway??"

I believe that Dennis was looking out for the children in the best way possible, that he had available. As to the child's natural parents/grandparents, I hope that they go for some counseling. However, I don't know how well of a job the authorities (if they DO step in) will be able to do, with an over-loaded system and harried workers as is. What I hope for is what is best for the child's AND family's best interests and peace at heart and mind. Of course, I am also concerned for Dennis, as I believe that some of those at Debunkies would try to see his name abused. (This is why I've suggested that you do research at Debunkies to follow my line of reasoning. Whether you do so or not is your own choice, but if you don't you are setting a narrow-minded line of thought and your future posts would then suspect.)

"Perhaps you should logically look at your own motivations and see why this really bothers you so much if it ends up helping chil"

My motivations are to see the TRUTH willed out and to see their malicousness verbal attacks ended. I pray for the mother and children's safety, but don't doubt Dennis' good intentions. What are YOUR motivations?

-- Deb M. (, January 09, 2000.


My guess is that Deb M. needs so badly to be somebody that she clings to this forum in the hopes that her thoughts and opinions will be held in high regard. She appears to be a very lonely individual with little or no social life. Therefore, when she is attacked or opposed she takes everything very personally. Having few friends in her real life, she is desperate to be loved and respected on this forum. By taking what she thinks will be a popular stand (All trolls are evil, Pollys must pay, God will punish you) her status on the forum will be elevated. Read her retorts to other posters and you will have a better insight into the type of person that she is. Her profile might look like this: Unattractive single woman in her late 30s, early 40s. Has a mundane job with the State of Ohio and has few friends and not much of a life outside of her job. With her there is no debate, it is simply a need to be liked. Very sad.

-- Look (at@the.facts), January 09, 2000.

"Let's hope we all get jobs again soon."


Yes, I certainly do hope so for you. I wish you the best and hope that things will turn around soon for you. Take care!

-- Deb M. (, January 09, 2000.

Nice try Look, but no dice... The bottom picture is the most recent.

1. Early 30's.

2. Have belonged to the Ohio Historical Society, American Red Cross and work with local church charity organizations. Love to hike, read, travel and explore.

As for you Look, your profile isn't nearly so pretty, now is it? A hateful, spiteful person, who's only meaning in life is to cause pain to others so that your own pain is vindicated. You must have had an awful childhood to turn you into such a tormented individual.

At least I try to bring out the TRUTH instead of deception, hatred and vindictiveness as you have brought forth.

-- Deb M. (, January 09, 2000.


Look is apparently one of the juvenile Debunkies, judging from his inability to attack the message and not the messenger. Little minds have such a hard time staying on topic.

Truly the Olson's were doing an unselfish act by helping the young woman and her child. This is probably something that is totally beyond their comprehension. The "milk of human kindness" is definitely lacking in their diet.

-- Cary Mc from Tx (, January 09, 2000.

[For the regular "troll" who keeps posting Deb's work address... don't! -- Sysop]

Answered by Get ( from on January 10, 2000.
DNS now: maps to ...

-- Get (, January 10, 2000.

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