Coining a new term?: P2K : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

OK, first the minor details. I hereby copyright, under US copyright laws, the phrase "P2K" and it's variants "P2k" "p2k" "p2K". Any public use of it is deemed fit and free by me, Walter Skold. January 7, 1900...I mean 2000.

Exception: The use of this phrase is forbidden to be used by any Pollies. They must apply to author for usage and will be charged if they wish to use the phrase. They all seem to know that anyone concerned about y2k, and now, P2K, is so concerned soley for the money, so let the Pollies pay me. Hence the term, "coinage" of a new phrase.

Secondly: So, it obviously stands for Post-Two-Thousand and refers, in one sense, to events after the rollover at January 1, 2000, as it is used in relation to Y2K issues/problems, or however the hell you choose to use it.

If y'all like the term (exceptions above)use it. Walter Skold

What's his name, was it David Eddy, should have copyrighted y2k. But now that I've copyrighted P2K, maybe I can still make some dough (besides the grain I'm grinding) on Y2k. Note to Cory H.: the copyright includes "Pee-2K" :)

-- Walter Skold (, January 07, 2000


And I hereby copyright p-two-k, pee-two-kay, p-two-kay, P-TWO-K, PEE- TWO-KAY, P-TWO-KAY, and all mixed capitalized and lower cased variants thereof, under the same conditions as those expressed by Walter Skold :).

-- John Whitley (, January 07, 2000.

Well John, you're not going to make much with those terms. I was thinking of adding them to my copyright announcement, but they are too long to gain the kind of usage that a simple P2K has. But, the important thing is gainging the royalty income from pollies if they make any money using the term, or use it without paying for it.

-- Walter S (, January 07, 2000.

A post Y2k scare--


-- Forrest Covington (, January 07, 2000.

I hereby copyright y2kay (and etc.) and give them to the pollies, so we can have something to use.

-- walt (, January 07, 2000.

P2K2BOK or not 2BOK?

-- Eileen(on God) (, January 07, 2000.

-- P2K -- P2K -- P2K -- P2K -- P2K -- P2K -- P2K -- P2K -- P2K -- Thank God you silly doomers have come up with something new to attach yourselves to.... I mean, really -- you can't go around claiming that "Y2K" is gonna be TEOTWAWKI forever, right? Now you can say, "I *never* believed that 1/1/2000 would be some kind of 'TIMEBOMB', where did you get that idea? Not from any of us doomers -- Nope -- I *always* thought it would happen ever-so-slowly *AFTER* the first of the year!"

P2K -- Well, now we can run all of our P2K software tests -- and the CONsultants, P2Krackpots and P2Kapitalists can run around making money all year long on sofware fixes and technical services. Thanks, Loony!

P2K is a registered trademark of Walter Skold -- a well-known Y2Krackpot and Looney-toon with nothing positive to say about the ability of the human race to recover from the problems that they face. The copyright for P2K, p2K, P2k, p2k and all other variations of the "P2K" emblem are hereby violated willingly, freely and laughingly by Thomas Redder and the other intelligent life forms on planet Earth.

It's "open season" on the highly endangered North American Sheeple and I'm gonna have some P2Krackpot soup tonight! LOL!

-- Thomas Redder (, January 07, 2000.

P2K I like it.


-- Pam (, January 07, 2000.

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