gold-eagle editorial: "Y2K Rumors Behind the New" : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
-- Jack (jsprat@eld.~net), January 05, 2000
If your going to waste time and space by spamming, you might at least post something on topic.
-- brent (, January 06, 2000.
"Those of you expecting me to don sackcloth and ashes, or its Y2K equivalent of bean or rice sack and ashes, are going to be sorely disappointed by this essay. For starters, if any readers ever thought that I would enjoy the kind of global chaos I predicted; or, would feel vindicated through the suffering of innocent people: that's your pathology and not mine. I am overjoyed that the kind of "catastrophic core infrastructure failures" have not occurred on a global basis. This is the reaction of any sane, reasonable and emotionally functioning human being. If the worst had happened on Y2K, do you think I would be writing a gloating essay? No, if you want Y2K gloat, you have to go to usenet's comp.sofware.year-2000 and read the sneering, arrogant "victory" rants of those who never took Y2K seriously. As for me, I'm relieved that my predictions for catastrophic failure have been proven wrong. I'm very glad that the Y2K potential of global collapse has been avoided so far and maybe permanently. It's better you think I'm a fool, than to be proven a prophet through human suffering."Take the time to READ 'em, and look pretty on topic to me......
-- DavePrime (, January 06, 2000.
The market is UNCHANGED by y2k. and as scary as ever.Anybody worried about the mkt should think about gold.
We dont even know what ACCOUNTING problems may still lurk- undiscounted by wall street.
-- hunchback (, January 06, 2000.