Comments on new : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
I have just uploaded a new site that is almost exclusively b&w. I can see that I need to fine-tune the first page, but would like some comments before I make additional changes. Thanks in
-- David Myers (, January 05, 2000
I really liked the clouds/seascape on your nature page. I wanted to click on several images and see them larger but couldn't. As you mentioned your front page is a little drab. I don't think you need to add much (I think clean and simple is best)...maybe a graphic element in B&W?...maybe an image screened way back to about %20 in the back ground? I just went back and took another look; maybe you don't need to do anything to your front page. Nice images. Rick
-- Rick Stiles (, January 05, 2000.
What can I say? It's good.a clever way of using Javascripts to fade the images.
Although with so many images having to load on the frontpage, the site is a bit slow. Check to see if all images exceed 40k. I'll consider taking some out if it did.
a fine job.
- G.
-- Garry T. (, May 28, 2000.