Power out in Japan and Cebu, Philippines

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Wife talked to relatives in Philippines. Power has been out in Cebu, Philippies and Japan. Two days in some areas. No idea if Y2K related, probably not. But can anyone else verify?

-- Mr. Pinochle (pinochledd@aol.com), January 04, 2000


Power goes down in the Phillipines on a regular basis. I lived there for 3 years and have first hand knowledge of this.

Hope that helps.

-- terri (lm@ao.com), January 04, 2000.

I chat daily with my friends living on the island closest to Cebu (Negros Oriental). They have had no "brownouts" (as they call blackouts there) since rollover. But they are fairly common. The agency I work with takes kids to Cebu City fairly regularly for free operations (thanks Shriners!) and I haven't heard of electrical problems there yet. But there might have been w/o me hearing about it.

-- Steve (shartzler@usa.net), January 04, 2000.

Power is very unreliable in the Philippins but there has been improvement. Normally my wife's reatives don't mention the power outages. This time it has been out longer than "normal". Plus there was the relative who said power in part of Japan is out.

None of her relatives are on the net so I can't check. Is there anyone with contacts in Japan or the Philippines who can find any information?

I am interested because actual reports from people living in other countries can provide a clearer picture of what in happening in real time.


-- Mr. Pinochle (pinochledd@aol.com), January 04, 2000.

Mr. Pinochle,

It might help if you could specify a particular location in Japan.


-- Jerry B (skeptic76@erols.com), January 04, 2000.

Sorry, no specific location in Japan was mentioned. Wife will try to get more info. Power was out for a day. That's all we know right now.

-- Mr. Pinochle (pinochledd@aol.com), January 04, 2000.

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