Stand Down : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Stand Down - By Ed Parker

STAND DOWN - by Ed Parker

Some of the people out here have expressed a feeling of foolishness, which some blame on others, for being persuaded to take measures of preparation for Y2K. Others have been gloating, with an "I TOLD YOU SO" attitude after it became obvious that western civilization was not going to crumble at the stroke of midnight. Well, here's my take-

We ought to be ashamed of ourselves.

Yes ashamed- being taken in by all that claptrap about Y2K and martial law, being fearful that our government had tyrannical aspirations, taking all those extremist measures to resist "change".

We ought to be ashamed that we looked ahead and saw danger, and took measures to minimize the risk to our families.

Ashamed that we spent so much money on food and supplies, so that not only could we sustain our loved ones, but we could afford to help others who were, at that very moment mocking us.

(And I don't know about you, but the last thing I did on Friday afternoon was mail off my bill payments and balance my checkbook, and make hardcopies of all my financial files. I never entertained notions of not paying my credit card charges.)

Ashamed that we prayed long and hard for God's mercy upon this nation and for delay of His righteous judgement- ashamed that we prayed for our neighbors and friends and even our elected "leaders".

Ashamed that we put off the purchases of such "luxury items" as furniture and automobiles so as to be able to buy that generator, that firearm, that expensive water filter.

Ashamed that our property may have looked a little strange with all those water barrels on the side of the house.

Ashamed that we came together in our communities and planned emergency procedures to ensure that the elderly and the sick would be looked after in the event of an infrastructure breakdown.

Ashamed that we stocked our missions and stood soberly on guard during the biggest party in 1000 years, so as to be ready if we were needed.

Ashamed that we bought our cb radios, so we could communicate.

Ashamed that we even laid up extra food for our dogs, cats, horses and livestock.

What fools we were for not believing the words of our dear president- that moral icon of truthful virtue, when he said there would be no problems, that he didn't have sex with that woman, that "is" doesn't mean "is". (Sorry- couldn't resist)

What fools we are for not realizing that there is nothing to fear, nothing to prepare for, despite the fact that the Chinese now own our Panama Canal, that the Colombians want it, that a murderous hawk is now running Russia, and that the Chinese can strangle this country any time they want by just cutting off the importation of manufactured goods that we lack the ability to produce here anymore.

What gullible fools we are for believing the fearmongering charlatans who exposed the treason rampant in our government which has set us up for attack, invasion, and destruction.

What idiots we must be to compare our times to those described in Scripture as "the last days", and to believe that a "messiah" is due to return at any hour.

Well, lookee what we have here now- as has been observed by a few others today on these lists- we have a population more prepared and better armed for any contingency than we have ever had in our nation's history.

We have more people aware and awake to the dangers facing this country than at any time since the Bolshevik Revolution.

We have more people who have thought less about themselves and more about others than we've had since the selfless sacrifices of our Founders during the American Revolution.

And Almighty God has heard more fervent prayer form this sector of the world than he has for some time...

I am ashamed. Ashamed that I was not a bigger fool, that I didn't prepare more personally and warn more people. Ashamed that had my worst notions of Y2K materialized on 010100, that my efforts were so meager compared to what they could have been.

If I am to be ashamed, it is because I didn't witness more, didn't pray more, didn't sacrifice more- to prepare for what is to come.

And I'll tell you what, like Huck said, (quoting Jesus) "they'll say peace and safety" and like John (the apostle) said (quoting Jesus) "(she says) I sit a queen"

and "no sorrow shall befall me"

Well they (the unfaithful) are pretty giddy now, aren't they? Things went so well. Guess they can forget all that Boy Scout "be prepared" stuff and get back to living like dependent slaves. Quelch those notions of self-sufficiency and forget about disaster. Nothing's gonna happen.

Nothing's gonna happen- see? Y2K was a non-event. Not to worry.

It can't happen here.

As long as there are people who are thinking that, I do have cause to be ashamed.

God Bless-EP Ed Parker can be reached at

-- plain ol joe (plain ol, January 03, 2000


Great essay! Thank you for sharing...

-- mmmm (, January 03, 2000.

Well,I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to pay my credit card bill!

-- Daryll (, January 03, 2000.

Thanks plain 'ol joe. If I had the op to do it all over again I would. In point of fact, I am going to maintain my current level of preparedness and prepare even more as the New Pollies sell off thier preps. Good essay and a GOOD AMERICAN!!!! Deal

-- Deal (, January 03, 2000.

Actually, I'm ashamed at the rhetoric of this whole piece. Condemning others for gloating by gloating in return is mere childishness, and adding the religious element to it merely cloaks the whole thing in a distressing elitism (I am saved, you are not, get stuffed -- not a very loving sentiment). I sympathize entirely with preparation and care, especially if a family is involved (I am single, but I live with two good friends, and in my own small way I prepared as I could -- then again, living in an earthquake zone means some preparation in general!). But this essay is ridiculously bitter at points, and frankly you could never convince me about the martial law aspect of this thing even at my darkest moments of wondering what this year would bring. Seeing that old canard trotted out again, along with what I'm realizing is the increasingly typical automatic suspicion of anybody and everybody associated with the government and anything unAmerican, means that Ed's outlook is yet more vicious paranoia. Color me unimpressed -- and when it comes to that line about preparing for the messiah, I should humbly note that should he arrive, he will arrive like a thief in the night, rather than lit up and held in everyone's sights for years in advance. Anyone who thinks they have the date nailed down should reflect on the millions in the past who had the same burning conviction in their time that the time was nigh, that they 'knew' this was the moment. Might not you be equally as wrong now? You might not be, perhaps you've got it nailed, and I'll allow for that -- but have you ever considered that you might be wrong? Allow for that, in turn.

-- Ned Raggett (, January 03, 2000.


Not only are you consistently incisive and eloquent in your posts, but I believe you are articulating viewpoints that many here quietly hold. Of course, I can only formally speak for myself.

-- (resolved@this.point), January 03, 2000.

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