Can I use EZ CD Creator to create menu with more than 20 selections : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I learned that we can put something like 98 tracks on a VCD. I tried using EZCD 4 to create a menu with 20 selections or chapters. I can preview the first 10 sequences with EZCD's own software player but not anything beyond that although apparently it should be possible since the player has a 10+ button.

Can someone help me on this? Also, how do I select the 20th sequence using the same player?

-- Daniel Lee (, January 02, 2000


Easy CD doesn't have its own s/w player; it fishes for an MPEG device driver already in the system, like those that came with Media Player in Win98 which is usually the default. This situation works okay until other MPEG s/w players are installed, like Xing, and then the behaviour of Easy CD becomes unpredictable. The most clashy is the newest ver 4, which likes only that which comes installed with ActiveMovie (!) or IE4. It will not work with Xing, for example, and with the latest MPEG drivers, bugs, such as the refusal of the +10 button to work, appear, which may lead one to conclude you can only make selections up to ten. Yes, you can make up to 98 tracks. If you are successful, you can indeed play it back on a set-top and see. I myself have made up to 30 tracks and they played well on set-tops, not on the PC, let alone Easy CD's preview.

-- EMartinez (, January 05, 2000.

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