looking for land in north texas

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am looking for land in north Texas, somewhere around the Possum Kingdom / Mineral Wells / Caddo /Breckenridge area, and wish to hear from others who live in this general area or who have spent extended periods of time there. I am pretty familiar with the area, but would like to hear from others with practical experience. hannahholly@hotmail.com

-- hannah holly (hannahholly@hotmail.com), January 01, 2000


Try the Dallas Morning News Classifieds for realty listings (www.dallasnews.com). I live in North East Texas, in the Lake Bob Sandlin, Lake Cypress Springs, Lake Monticello, Lake Welch, and Lake O'the Pines area. We have more humidity and less frozen precip than Mineral Wells. Good luck finding your new home.

-- Carmen (logcabin_now@yahoo.com), January 04, 2000.

I currently live in Graham TX. It is about 20 min from Possum Kingdom. Land runs from $850-$1200/acre. We are looking at starting our homestead within the next 12 months. We just moved from Dallas, and we couldn't be happier with the town.

-- karen brazeal (karen_brazeal@hotmail.com), December 02, 2001.

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