Thank You : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

To my unknown friends on this forum: You must realize the expressions you put forth on this forum guided the response by those responsible for insuring Y2K was a non-event. You were attacked and ridiculed but you continued to sound the alarm. No matter how it appears on the surface, you know in your heart that you did the right thing. It is quite apparent to me that near the end, the government wasn't so sure they had succeeded in dodging this bullet called Y2K, even they built a multimillion dollar command center, rented or bought generators and softened there message on preparation. I firmly believe in the power of the people, and you had the courage to take a position, although unpopular, and stick with it through a hammering of ridicule and name-calling. Realize your consistent message made those responsible for fixing Y2K more determined to fix the problem. They will never admit it, but you won. No one will say thank you, but you realize what would have happened if we had lost the power grids, and we did not. The world is a better place because of you. Continue to speak out and fight the good fight. This was only round one. Thank you. UR2Blame

-- UR2Blame (, January 01, 2000


I too say thank you. For if you and others like you had not have spoken out with the early warning so people would pay attention and fix some things then we may have been here in the dark with no water and other horrible things happening.

Because of your determination we are safe thus far. Even if things do fall apart during the following weeks from glitches not showing yet, at least we may be able to manage then and return to normal lives more quickly. I did not want to live the 1800's life style except by choice. I thank you for all you have done to help avert the disaster that surely could have been except for your outspokeness and persistance in spreading the word and not backing down though many laughed.

You deserve honor and a 21 gun salute for the bravery and service you have been to the nation and the world.

On behalf of my child and I, I sincerely thank you.


-- Obo (, January 01, 2000.

Here it is: The beginning of the Great Recoil. Where you guys take responsibility for creating awareness but take no responsibility for fostering fear. Just beautiful.

-- CJS (, January 01, 2000.

UR2 has just eloquently expressed what I've been feeling this morning, along with my profound relief that the first few hours of Y2K have gone so well. Though I've had to take some light ribbing from my "polly" spouse ("hey, hon, the lights are still on!") I still feel that all those people who've been tirelessly working on this issue--especially those who have gone public with their concerns and their reasoning, like Ed Yourdon and the rest--are heroes. Since we seem to have been spared simultaneous, international calamities as the year rolled over, everyone will think that there wasn't any problem after all and that there won't be any problems to come. Many people are going to have to endure more than good-natured kidding about this from their colleagues, families and friends. Public figures will be ridiculed by the media. The DGI's will gloat. But we should remember that the people who speak out are motivated by compassion and concern for their fellow human beings. This is admirable and rare. We are beholden to such people. I still worry about the coming weeks and months and I hope this forum continues to exist, for the information and moral support it offers. Thanks to all, and a Happy New Year! problem and I won't be in any hurry to give all my canned goods away--not just yet. I

-- Amy (, January 01, 2000.


Normally, I wouldn't take your bait but today is a different day and my response to you is: The issue that caused the most fear in this country and around the world was terrorism. This issue caused millions of people to change their plans for celebrating the New Year. The economic impact was tremendous. This country spent millions of dollars staffing hospitals and the like because of "no credible evidence". You want to address fear; the great fear issue was terrorism, period.

-- UR2Blame (, January 01, 2000.

If a huricaine was bearing down on your area, or a massive blizzard, and the weather forecasters gave warning of it, wouldn't you prepare? and if at the last moment, the storm path changed and you were spared, would you be pissed that you had prepared and nothing happened? Or just grateful that all was well and you had been spared? I for one don't understand why there are a bunch of people on here today whining that nothing happened, and trashing those that had given them warning of Y2K. Would they only be pleased if the grid had gone down, nukes flew, and millions lost their lives??

-- farmer (, January 01, 2000.

Sorry, that piece of a phrase at the end of my post, "problem and I won't be in any hurry to give all my canned goods away--not just yet. I" reflects my ineptitude at editing in these little boxes--not the results of any post-Y2K giddiness...(LOL)

-- Amy (, January 01, 2000.

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