I woke up this morning...Thank you, Lord

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

For me, it's simple: Thank you, Lord, for watching over us.

If bad things happen in the future, Y2K or otherwise, I am now awakened to the fact that I need to be prepared for any disaster which may befall us. I will always maintain a stock of food and other essentials from here on in. But, bottom line is that God has it all in his hands.

I am changed. For the better. Amen.

-- Maureen (Maureen**@worldnet.att.com), January 01, 2000


A HEARTY AMEN, Maureen !! Never look back....keep learning and moving forward....a lot of believers heard God's voice to prepare, and we obeyed. We will need the preps, just don't know the time frame or personal circumstance which will dictate its use. There was every reason to approach Y2K with caution, and it's not over yet. There are still a miriad of tenuous situations, both abroad and at home, which could impact our lives. Continue to be vigilant. I realize that this sounds simplistic to an unbeliever, so be it. The understanding doesn't come to a mocker.

-- Kenin Marble (kenin17@yahoo.com), January 01, 2000.

I'll echo your sentiments. Praise be to God AND all of the people who worked so hard and all the managers who spent the money to fix the problem. Also the 'Paul' and 'Paula Reveres' who were willing to put their careers on the line, and to anyone on either side (aren't we all really on the SAME side?)who informed and educated us.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

-- Connie Iversen (hive@gte.net), January 01, 2000.

Lord is an idiot. He, along with North mixed entirely too much anti- government rhetoric into their alarmism to be taken seriously. He should have known better. He either didn't, or didn't care.

-- Buster (BustrCollins@aol.com), January 01, 2000.

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