Please don't be so hard on Ed, Gary, or Jim Lord....... : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Jim Lord personally told me 2 months ago that the nuclear plants were in good shape, and the problem was more economic, and would take some time to develop.

Ed and Gary have done their best to keep us informed, and I have been prepared for emergencies of any kind, because of their efforts.

I think it is a lot like buying fire insurance on my house. I didn't do it because I want my house to burn, nor do I expect it to burn. I did it so that IF it did burn, I would be covered.

I am at work now, remediating computers that DID NOT ROLL OVER WELL! And I am trying to see what problems they have caused. I don't know about other people, but THIS engineer is busy THIS a.m. reprogramming.

Thanks to the sysops, and thanks to Ed,Gary and Jim Lord.

-- Jim Sharp (, January 01, 2000



Sorry, I was wrong for questioning anyone and it's way too soon to draw any conclusions with regards to this issue.

While I am pleasantly surprised and happy about the outcome thus far, I only wonder how some stated information could be so far off the mark? But, again it's way too early to draw any conclusions. Good luck to all.

-- LALA (, January 01, 2000.

I also want to thank Ed Yourdon, Gary North, and Jim Lord. Without them I would not have been able to have cared enough to insure my families safety...Just in case. They helped me be aware that Jan 1st was not the only time to worry. Snowballs start out small when beginning to roll down a hill. I don't believe we've seen the end of Y2K yet. All of us will be ready. A million billon thanks Ed, Jim, and Gary.

-- Sandi Harris (, January 01, 2000.


-- farmer (, January 01, 2000.

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