ARGH!!!!!!!!! I AM SICK OF HEARING ABOUT "NON" Y2K GLITCHES! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

My head is spinning.
I feel like a yo-yo. (and NO, it is not from the New Year's booze)
Are there any others out there who are as sick and tired of the media's NON reporting of the Y2k issues????? We are hearing reports from actual people, and SEEING news reports of things going wrong, yet these things are not being reported on the news, or stuck away quietly and just not on the headlines (except the major Japan ones and that ilk). I cannot believe that in a great democracy such as ours that such propaganda is running rampant. Journalism does NOT seem to be what it once was at all. I just don't understand this. The oddest thing to me is that the government and Mr. Koskinen seem to be more on the "let's wait and see what develops" side(not unlike many of us) than the mainstream news agencies. What is UP with that???? The naysayers are out cheering about the Y2k victory, as if it was some dragon they vanquished. Aren't they reading the government news reports? How about all the NON Y2k accidents that ARE being reported--can't they put 2 and 2 together???? Granted, alot of the "brief" power failures we have been hearing about in this forum (if not all) have NOT been reported in any news article I have found and I feel that it is neglegent of the media to ignore these things.
I am still quite nervous about the whole thing. The Y2k demon has NOT been beaten back, he is just hiding. (Oh God, did I just write that? Yikes! LOL). I believe the world needs to hear about ALL the glitches, teeny or no--and decide for themselves. The world powers have spent TRILLIONS on this issue and I doubt that a kick ass fireworks display and media coverage means that the Y2k problem was a hoax or that it is over.
I feel that if things DO go wrong in the near future because of the Y2k thing, all of the people in denial now are going to panic en masse and cause more grief. Kinda like the sheeple fighting over toilet paper and water these last 2 days (Oh...but the media reported that NO hoarding has happened...what stores do THEY shop at??)Hell, I do not think the world will topple over, but things aren't going to be as easy as all the naysayers think it is. It isn't over.
I think it is just beginning.
Well, maybe it WAS the booze talking...

-- Jess (, January 01, 2000


-- Jess,

Sir, you are a moron.


-- Doug (, January 01, 2000.

First of allI am NOT a sir. I am a mother (which in some places means that I would have to be FEMALE) who has spent the last two days doing my normal grocery shopping, etc. I have SEEN the stores. I have SEEN the people. Get a grip, buddy. YOU, imho, are the moron for jumping on me like that. I was not rude to you and you did not have to take that tone with me. The rest I wrote about is from what I have read here at the forum and at other sites. Do you not read the news?? OR do you just look for all the happy crap to read about as not to upset your delicate chemical balance?? Perhaps you just get off by finding posts from concerned people and maligning them.
I understand that it is winter and that it is probably hard for you to find insects that you can tear wings off instead.

-- Jess (, January 01, 2000.

Jess - the media didn't want to spoil The Party but I'm still holding my breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Monday/Tuesday of next week ought to be *real* interesting, so stay tuned. The Fat Lady is just warming up.

-- Sneakers (, January 01, 2000.

My dear Mr. Doug

Me thinks sir...That if one where to take your I.Q.number, your waist size and your age...Add the three of them to each other. One would find sir, that you would still have an I. Q. in the double didgets!



-- Shakey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), January 01, 2000.

It's over. The programmers won. Keep prepping, but the Y2K bug has been licked!

-- INever (, January 01, 2000.

Well...couple of quick thoughts:

First, it's *always* the case that the mass media misses smaller incidents. So why are you surprised on that front? But more specifically, what reports do you specifically refer to? What I've seen on this board today sounds pretty piddling in comparison to the overall scale. Local blackouts aren't normally front-page news, let's face it -- doesn't matter *what* the year or time. If Monday is more when we'll see things, well then, wait for Monday.

Second -- as for hoarding, the local corner store was well stocked with water, batteries, etc. In fact, when I stoped in at 8 pm for party supplies, the clerk practically begged me to buy some water because their supplier kept foisting more on them. I doubt the entire nation was going mad with last panic buying -- I don't doubt hoarding in spots, but around here (Costa Mesa, California, in the middle of a solidly populated area) the mood was blase today, on the bus, on my street, at stores, etc. *shrug*

And FWIW, telling about all the glitches would mean checking out a hell of a lot of personal computers. ;-)

-- Ned Raggett (, January 01, 2000.

yeah, I know. After every major news event it usually takes a few days before any of the grusome details get out. (For those of you who dispute this statement--THINK TURKEY, VENEZUELA--reports on the death tolls didn't come about for a couple of days...)
It always seems to snowball. I still am thankful that my power is on and that I won't have to do any grocery shopping for a while *g*

-- Jess (, January 01, 2000.

jess, your'e a MOTHER all right!

-- INever (, January 01, 2000.

There was some serious power buying going on here this week. You must understand that in colder places like WI, unlike CA) ESPECIALLY in the smaller towns, that ppl tend to get nervous if they think their power is going to be out when the weather is -15 degrees. We had water flying off the shelves, no bread (tons of dairy products though, go figure)and other "preP' items were going fast.
I can't understand why some of you ppl are so negative and can't seem to see other ppl's views of the situation.

-- Jess (, January 01, 2000. in the Lord and keep your perishables dry. ~s~ Doug is a moron...just like the rest who come in and post their assinine writings. Ignore and they'll eventually's the only thing they have in life- to waste our time writing such garbage. surprised me...usually you post well concieved thoughts- whether I agree with them or not is beside the point. So I'm wondering why you posted that "You are a MOTHER' comment? All of a sudden your starting to sound like just another idiot. Hope that was someone using your handle...

-- Satanta (, January 01, 2000.

"...ppl tend to get nervous if they think their power is going to be out when the weather is -15 degrees."

Okay, that's very fair -- but then again, as you say, sounds like that would always be the case in case something wrong looms, and something that is in large part determined by location. In and of itself, would that be news? Combine that with the fact that naturally the news media tends to forget that people exist between the two coasts, and there you are.

-- Ned Raggett (, January 01, 2000.

The local Walmart has been out of propane and D batteries for 3 days. Top Ramen is sold out at a warehouse grocery store where I live, and they have ran out of H20 several times this week. I am stocked and prepared and have no regrets, no matter what happens. I sincerely don't think it's over.

-- jenna (, January 01, 2000.

S--Just couldn't resist giving the punch line. It would never dawn on me to say "I'm a father" or "I'm a man" or "I'm good-looking" in order to win an argument. I might say it to have a grrrrl come upstairs to "check her email on my imac", maybe....but....not to win an argument. THAT's what i was poking "fun" at....thanks for the compliment though.

THANK GOD we made it!!!!! Keep prepping! Have a great year!

-- inever (, January 01, 2000.

INEVER...ok. kewl...sorry I missed the joke. It's 3A.M. here and I'm trying to stay awake to photo the first sunrise of this millenium. ~s~

Hey...just read your answer to the 'Yeltsin Retiring' post...those are the kind of words I'm used to seeing from you. So in my sleepiness, I mis-understood! ;)

-- Satanta (, January 01, 2000.

Inever--I responded that way because he called me SIR. NOT to win an argument.

-- Jess (, January 01, 2000.

S- Stay awake!!! That's great. Maybe you can post the photos here. Well, it's been a great day. Conspiracy-wise, isn't it strange that every place celebrated with "fireworks". Most places dont do fireworks on New Years Eve, this year EVERYBODY did it. That must have been on last summer's Bildberger/Bohemian Grove agenda.

-- INever (, January 01, 2000.

I am still quite nervous about the whole thing. The Y2k demon has NOT been beaten back, he is just hiding. -- Jess

Isn't there an old saying, "The devil is in the details?" Maybe that is where he is hiding.

-- Spirit (moving@on.the.waters), January 01, 2000.

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