Does anyone still think TEOTWAWKI will happen?? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I am one who was/is scared by Gary North and others and am still a little scared.

-- rita (, January 01, 2000


no, stop worrying but stay prepped from now on...(that's the lesson)

signed, Inever thought we'd have more than a mid 70s oilshock or a 30s depression,...

-- INever (, January 01, 2000.

No, I can hardly belive it, but it appears that y2k was a BITR after all...

-- Crono (, January 01, 2000.

Did you read RC's oil posts before the board went down last time? I still think that is the thing to watch now.

Stay prepped. But yes, things are looking real good right now.

-- Ynott (, January 01, 2000.

What bump?

-- Igor (, January 01, 2000.

REmember, we've been saying for MONTHS that Y2K is NOT a single-point- in-time-event but a process., WATCH THE PROCESS and THANK GOD it is starting this well.


-- Chuck, a night driver (, January 01, 2000.

Keep cheering for it. It's not over yet. All we can do is hope.

-- CJS (, January 01, 2000.

Well said Chuck.

Watch oil.

-- Andy (, January 01, 2000.

"What bump?"

At 1:30am on 01/01/2000 this person has it all scoped and figured out. This is truely an amazing display of intellect. I'm truely in awe...

Personally, aside from terrorist incidents, I wasn't real concerned about Jan.1. Certainly figured by February 1'd have a much better handle on the impacts, which I expect will be more subtle yet more than expected by most.

I'm patient. Got my preps, will be pleased as punch if I'm not inconvienienced, my income doesn't suffer and I don't have to go out and put my ass on the line for some unprepared fool.

-- Don Kulha (, January 01, 2000.

so why do you think they made such a big thing out of the big bad TERRORISTS and HACKERS and VIRUSES???? even look at Jerusalem? no big deals right?

-- tt (, January 01, 2000.

Midnight can be viewed as stage one of the effects of y2k. Unfortunately some information may not be available from relatively closed societies such as china for weeks. Russia exists across 12 of the 24 time zones. It was good news that reactors in the first 2 time zones appear unaffected so far. Of critical impotance will be the embedded chips in their gas delivery systems. They are major suppliers to Germany etc. of fuel.

The second phase will begin next week when businesses and gov't agencies that are shut down now start up.

The third phase will play out as any effects on supply lines that will be reflected in company earnings in the 1st quarter.

The news so far is very encouraging, but it's not over by any stretch of the imagination.

-- Andy (, January 01, 2000.

TEO what?

-- Brian (, January 01, 2000.

I have always divided what would happen with y2k into two possible scenarios- one if the power went down and the other if power stayed up. If power went down- TSWHTF etc- all bets were off..

If power stayed up, I figured the effects would be a whimper not a bang and would be ecconomic in nature plus issues with supplies, goods, etc- this is still to come. I am thankful the power stayed up, believe me- I have no desire to see the world go nuts.

-- farmer (, January 01, 2000.

Doggone Aol keeps bumping me off. Wish I was puter literate, where I could correct the problem, but I am not therefore I must work around it the best I can. You see I was in the middle of a long post, when suddenly I was bumped, and had to log on again. Will try agin. First of all I feel very strongly that we are being had by the whole news media. There is a vast cover up and conspiracy. Do not come at me to try an prove it, I cannot and will not. I am going on 68 years of being on this earth, and I am going on a gut feeling arrived at from what I have learned from the study of prophecy in the KJV of the bible. No I am not a religious fanatic, I leave that for my wife and the church. But from the study of prophecy, and seeing what is happening in our government toward the space program I know within myself that there is a vast cover up. We are spoon fed just what they want us to know, no more, no less. When there is a coverup of this magnitude, I know that there is a coverup of those situations of lesser priorities. I know from my walk on this earth, that money is the bottom line in all issues of gov., and private life. Another story about our educational system would cover that, not to be touched on here. No, we are led to believe that there are no real problems because the masses must not under any circumstance to informed with any more than they need to know. Therefore what we see in the press and television coverage is a thin coating, covering the real issue. When I study the United Nation's chart on world conditions preceding midnight the world over, and compare it to the whitewash we are fed, I know something stinks in the toilet. The indicate all across the board that there is trouble in all areas, and primarily in these two areas, the medical and gov., areas. Http://, this chart lists all nations of the UN. There is a vast coverup which will bring itself to light in the next few days, weeks, months, and even years, which will bring to the dust of the earth, this hugh Tower of Babble which I feel was prophecy, not an current event. In Rev., is the description of the New Babblon, which is this nation, and it tower. The foudation of which will become rubble in a short time. This tower of Babble is the computer. It has brought the world to unbelieaveable levels, and it is just before being destroyed. Our news media has been very successful at their job of painting over the truth. No my friends I feel even more stronly than ever that all is not well in the computer world. In fact it is far worse than can be imagined. This small lull is just to cover our eyes and to blind us. My advice is to start prepping now as never before because I have a gut feeling that within the year we will be back to the put back two centuries. No I am not a religious fanatic, however that is in no way to say I do not believe in God, or His plan. I firmly believe that God will take care of mankind in a way like he has never even imagined. This nest of vipers that we call government, established religion, and the rich elite are the be clean off the earth. Man is not capable of ruling himself in any sense of the word. I am not going to preach, I hate preaching, it bores me no end. But this computer world is just before being brought to the level of the ground. We will all suffer because of it. If my faith in God was not what it was, and found this knowledge, I would be a babbling idiot. Oil, Gold, and Lust are the ruling factors in theis world. I personaly would advice to prep yourself with the very basics of life, to make the transition to the seventeenth century as easy as possible. The sand on the seashore is slowly being washed away, and the foundation of civilization is built upon it.

-- Notforlong (, January 01, 2000.

Until we see Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, I.R.S., to name a few, operating with precision and dependability, we are very vulnerable to an economic nightmare. Government accounts for a huge segment of employment in this country. Add to this the incredible amounts of money that is issued into circulation in the form of benefits and such, and the truly amazing unanswered questions as to where the U.S. is at this point remain unanswered. I have viewed my preps as not only "meal insurance" against interruptions in the supply chain, but as an economic hedge against rising prices in the months ahead. I cannot believe I am alone in thinking this way. Interest rates are going to march upward; housing may well take a hit. Mortgage brokers will be doodling on pads of paper as they realize there is less and less business(to name but one example of an industry vulnerable to rising interest rates).

Most of the really important problems, e.g. Def. Dept., pipelines that were shut down (and may be pesky to restart), will be kept from public view as a matter of national security.

And what about the many computer viruses that may be running around, looking for infrastructure to disrupt? Seems there are MANY more things yet unknown to hoist a victory flag over this country and y2k. (The only victory so far is preventing massive public panic;well, there is the additional victory of propaganda over a national audience--YECH!)

2 very alarming things to me are: 1)The overall complacency of our nation(not going totally unnoticed by folks like China and Sadam) and, 2) HOW EASY IT IS TO STILL MAKE PRUDENCE TO APPEAR LIKE FOOLISHNESS! An extra comment on this 2nd point is the incredible amount of folks reporting they feel foolish and embarrassed. If you really want to feel/experience both of these emotions, then chuck your preps. and begin running around trying to get folks who prepared for NOTHING, to accept you back into their "fold of foolishness". Then, when fallout begins to become apparent, you will realize the true meaning of foolish, embarrassed, and UNPREPARED!

Just as the coverage of y2k was so incredibly shallow and simplistic in the press for the past few YEARS, so too is the thinking that we are over the worst of y2k. Just cuz my T.V. works, doesn't mean it is "all-clear!". And one night of CNN pics. of lights on all over the world hardly gets me feeling even remotely confident that things will not be "so bad". (This line of reasoning wouldn't work on a 6 year old child.)

The most unfortunate side-effect of y2k roll-over so far (IMHO) is the "innoculation effect" that is occurring among some who prepped. How willing will they prepare or stay prepared for the unforeseen yet not on this nation's radar screen?

In closing, I will add that this nation is in and will remain in a window of vulnerability for some time. Just as a cancer patient never knew the day, time and hour that a tumor began to form within themselves, so too this nation appears to be generally clueless as to our vulnerabilities to attack and outright breakdowns in necessary infrastructure that are now present. When rollover occurred, every unremediated line of code became a cancer cell in this country's economy. Whether the Nation's "immune system" of bug busters can heal all of these conditions, before they grow into a sizeable tumor remains a HUGE question, at least to me.

I therefore will remain ready to "roll with the punches". Old habits are hard to break: Why let CNN and the "crowd of fools" do your thinking for you?

-- (He Who) Rolls with Punches (, January 01, 2000.

-- Andy (, January 01, 2000.


Please see my response to Marta, who posted about 20 threads below you. She is still scared also. You can email me too, address is real.

I'll be thinking of you and praying for you too.

-- luann (, January 01, 2000.

Gary North is an idiot. Has has about as much financial savvy concerning investments as a fear-crazed pig. He's a religious fanatic of the worst sort, and he thrives on playing on people's fears.

-- gilda (, January 01, 2000.

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