Help! Need Police Radio Frequency for Cerritos, CA : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Does anyone have an updated listing of radio frequencies. I need some for the Cerritos Sheriff Station, Cerritos, California. Cerritos is located in the county of Los Angeles.

This is a fairly new station. In the past our police force was contracted out to the LA County Sheriff/Lakewood division. About a year or two ago the City of Cerritos built their own station/jail and have now have their own officers, etc. working right here in Cerritos. I have looked at every book and website I can find, and can't find a frequency listed. The most recent book I've purchased (when I got my new scanner) said "1999 Edition" on the front, but somewhere inside I think I read that the closing date for data collection was 12/97.

If anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it!

-- Cerritos Resident (, December 31, 1999


CALL you local radio shack, and ask them. Most of the radio shack stores give out a sheet with all the local frequencies used in their areas. Or better yet, go get the sheet will all the listings.

-- (formerly@nowhere.zzz), December 31, 1999.



Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X7Y4 (, December 31, 1999.

Sometimes if you scan the next city and lock onto that frequency, then scan up and down, you might be able to lock on to Cerritos.

-- worth trying (worthtrying@worthtryinngg.xcom), December 31, 1999.

Well, I tried to get the frequency from Radio Shack... no such luck. I called two different stores explaining that just last week I purchased their book 'Police Call' book and I was assured by the sales clerk that the Cerritos Sheriff's Dept was in there. Bottom line... he didn't know what the frequency was :(

-- Cerritos Resident (, December 31, 1999.

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