They're already gathering in Times Square... : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

What the heck is wrong with these people?

At least I'm still in my pajamas, in front of the warm glow of the computer screen, drinking coffee. (OUTSIDE of the city!) People are starting to gather in Times Square...

Happy New Year, Auckland!

-- (, December 31, 1999


I was in NYC yesterday, and walked thru Times Square. That's as close as I'm gonna get. At least I can say that I was there the day before...


Hi ps. Bingo1 and I were just talking about the Aug. party that I missed. Want to do one next year? E-M me. <:)=

-- Sysman (, December 31, 1999.


LOL, They would probably ask us the same question!! What the heck is wrong with you people!!??

-- d........ (, December 31, 1999.

Hey, you're right, d! What the hell did I get up at 6am for, and to sit in front of my computer? Crayzee!!

Sysman, tell Bingo1 to be at McSorley's at 7pm on April Fool's Day!

Sam Donaldson from the bunker in D.C. is calling it YK2...

-- (, December 31, 1999.

Sounds like a plan ps. Could be a nice way to welcome spring, and shake-off the winter cabin fever. <:)=

-- Sysman (, December 31, 1999.

I'll start with a half dozen dark beers...

-- (, December 31, 1999.

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