How To Create A Photo Album On VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I am in the process of finding a suitable software for creating a photo album on VCD.

This is my project. I have plenty of digital photos on my PC. I intend to archive it on a VCD. Ok. This is a tough one. I would like to create a VCD that would play on a VCD player and on a PC. With my photos loaded on the VCD, I just have to press the SKIP/NEXT button to go to another photo. Is this possible? What are the softwares that can create such format.

Any comments would be appreciate it very much.

TIA and a Happy New Year.


-- Jeffrey Woo (, December 31, 1999


Yes there is a great way to use a video cd as a photo album. In EZ-CD Deluxe(v3-4), VCD Creator is the program in that software package that creates VCDs. Here is how to do it(the wizzard is helpful with this part), use each picture as a menu page background with no play tracks. So you just use a menu page per picture. There is one problem with this though, EZ-CD gives the option of using a High-Res *.mpg file for a background. All encoders I have used only give you the option of a size of 352x240, not like the High-Res of 704x480. If find a encoder that can encode a High-Res *.mpg image file, please let me know. Good Luck

-- Jay (, December 31, 1999.

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