Gary North site is down>>> : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Gary North's links are all dead... The only thing left is the front page. Anybody with info email me back.

-- Matt P (, December 30, 1999


Any word yet on cause?

-- Hokie (, December 30, 1999.

Front page? All I found was a Media3net website. Dude took off, huh? Man, I bet he made a lot of people very upset with that little stunt.

This is an interesting URL all about GN's background.

-- Simpleminded (nope@wont.never), December 30, 1999.

Seems like a lot of sites are being hit...especially those with the most information and most informative comments...

A number of other sites are still up (Cory, Westergard, etc.)

-- Mad Monk (, December 30, 1999.

Try this url:

Mirror site that is still working for me.

-- pizzaman (pizzaf@your.door), December 30, 1999. This link works but is not his latest posts.

-- shockwave (, December 30, 1999.

I was up around 5:00 in the A.M. (nasty headcold kept waking me up!) and saw that he had several updates for the 30th. The mirror sites all seem to have just the 29th or earlier. I wonder what's up with him? Publicity stunt, bugging out unexpectedly, or worse?

-- Ludi (, December 30, 1999.

Gary's site is now back up:

Dr. Gary North's Latest Y2K Links


-- moi (, December 30, 1999.

Try getting in by using just the IP address:


-- Wildweasel (, December 30, 1999.

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