Prescription refills increase in last week from 250-300/day to 500 : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Durham, NC, has been one of the many cities where Y2K information has been scarce--and light-handed when it does appear. Therefore, it was a bit of a surprise to read this information, tucked away in an article entitled "Durham saying Bah Humbug to Y2K bug":

[CVS] Pharmacist Lisa Wood called the rush "unbelievable.'" The number of prescriptions filled has increased in the last week from 250 to 300 prscriptions per day to about 500, she said.

"There's a lot of people wanting their stuff early," Wood said. CVS recommends that poeople get at least a week's supply of medications, especially for critical drugs like blood pressure pills. But asking for two to three months' supply is unnecessary, she said.

Otherwise her only advice is not to panic. CVS doesn't anticipate ptoblems with the supploy of drugs,only with insurance companies' Y2K preparedness. [Read that para again!!! "ONLY with insurance companies"???]

(End of bad copy typing job.)

The article quotes a Kroger store manager who said he expects "the rush" to start either Wednesday or Thursday.

The remainder of the somewhat lengthy article concentrates on "no big deal" reports and how supermarkets and DIY stores have plenty of supplies on hand for any rush.

-- Old Git (, December 28, 1999

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