"Scan lines" visibility?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
HELP! I have a VX-1000, and I have always set the custom picture controls to maximum sharpness. I notice, on the edges of high contrast images, a "rippling" effect, as if I can see the edges of scan lines themselves.What is this? Do I have my sharpness set too high? I have shot 60% of my first feature this way - is there anything I can do to correct this?
-- Gary Scott Irons (gary.irons@twcable.com), December 20, 1999
If you want a film look, you have to reduce the sharpness. Most people think that shaper means better. But in actuality the reason film looks sharper is because it has a much higher contrast ratio. My advice to you would be to finish your shoot at the same sharpness setting and "blur" the image slightly in postproduction. This should minimize most continuity problems that occur with your video image.
-- Chris Penney (mrpher@aol.com), February 13, 2000.