How to make a homemade : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I was just wondering if anyone knew how to make a dolly. I have some resources but not the resources that know how to make a dolly, anything will be usefull, thank you, James IV
-- James IV (, December 18, 1999
use a weelchair
-- ed x (, December 31, 1999.
I agree, Ed X, I used it once and it was cool.
-- (, January 06, 2000.
If you can't find a wheelchair. I've been told you can use skate board wheels and plastic tubing. I'm not exactly sure of the specs. but it might be cheaper and easier to find.
-- Avery Glymph (, February 10, 2000.
Skateboard dolly plans can be found on my site. suggest however using a wheelchair. Its so much easier. You dont have to lay any dolly track.
Good luck!
-- Chris Penney (, February 13, 2000.
I am thinking about buying a glidecam 1000 instead... it costs about 500$ in europe but that way you can have more dynamic shots and still get smooth motion. I don't see how these people are putting a tripod on a wheelchair... maybe they do without tripod but I am not making a horror movie the camera needs to be at eye-level...
-- cv (, March 05, 2000.
DO NOT BUY A GLIDECAM!!! Go here: are a bunch of plans for all types of equipment, even a homemade glidecam. save $- do it yourself!!!
-- Willy Kunkle (, April 16, 2003.