how about 320 x 240 ? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm a starter with te digital camera. Only for hobby and trying. I found one for a very nice price about $ 80 resolution 320 x 240 Twain compatibel 36 pictures Internal Flash Memory 5 MB I can't imagine what kind quality I can expect of this resolution. Who can send me a picture with this resolution??

-- Folkert (, December 14, 1999


I don't have any pictures, but here is something to consider. Typically a camera that produces pictures at 640x480 can print nice pictures at about 4" x 6". A good picture from your $80 camera would expect to print reasonable pictures at 2" x 3" Don't expect a lot out of that camera. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.


-- David Erskine (, December 17, 1999.

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