Review my site please and tell me what you think? : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
I am an ammatteur photographer who is looking for some critiques on my photos. You can post them here or sign the geust book, or do both. Thanks.
-- Cody Dickerson (, December 13, 1999
Hi Cody - I think you forgot to give us your web address.
-- Christian Harkness (, December 13, 1999.
woops. my website address is
-- cody dickerson (, December 14, 1999.
I know you asked for a critique of just your photos, but that is hard when looking at a web site not in harmony with the content. I had to look at TWO uninteresting pages before I got to any images, and then the images did not fit my monitor, so I had to scroll left and right & up and down. Not a god way to look at photographs. I realize some monitor set-ups probably won't have that problem. The yellow background clashed with the black & whites. TWO images, 'Old House' and "Tracks' did not load, I got an error message saying the URL could not be found. Since you only had two others up - that's pretty slim pickings. HOWEVER, don't get discouraged - you have got a good start, and if you keep at it, it WILL all come together.
-- Christian Harkness (, December 14, 1999.
Cody,I really did like the "Crybaby Bridge" photo. Very good DOF. The textures of the wood and the perspective with the tracks was very good. I saw the previous post and will have to concur with the comments about missing URL's and the clash of the B&W photos and the extreme colors. Not to be discouraged, though.
The only comment that I would add is that "Gears" seemed a bit underdeveloped. The mood of "Crybaby Bridge" was excellent (very good contrast) - were they developed/exposed the same?
Nice work! You are brave for seeking criticism, many only want to cast
-- Rich Adams (, December 14, 1999.
I really would have liked to take a look at the images, but three out of four just returned a "wrong URL" message. The last one, Gears, should be scaled down to fit today's average monitor (17", 800x600, I would think).
-- Thomas Wollstein (, December 16, 1999.
All of the images loaded, and I must agree with the others that they should be scaled down. My monitor is 17", set to 1152x864, and I had to scroll around. Most folks view with their machines set to at least 800x600, while some still view at 640x480. Your site should at least look good on 1024x768.
-- Brian C. Miller (, December 27, 1999.
One additional comment regarding screen size and resolution. It is true that 17" monitor operated at 1024x768 or 1152x864 are a kind of standard now, it is a good practice to design your pages to ocupy 800x600. Even with higher resolution most people have other open windows sometime another browser etc..I use a utility named "BrowserSizer.exe", which allows me to size the browser to required size, so i can preview the site I am developing. It is very helpfull!!
-- Zeev Kantor (, December 31, 1999.
Hi Cody,Let me start off by saying that your work shows a beginning talent that you can develope into a fine body of work if you keep at it. I'll limit my comments to your photography and leave the web design critique for others more qualified. Your photographs show a good understanding of using perspective as a subject, as in "Cry Baby Bridge" and "Tracks" but this kind of subject demands close attention to image details. When looking at these two photographs or any photographs of this nature even slight camera misalignment becomes very noticable. In "...Bridge" it looks as thou the right side of your camera was held closer to the guard rail than the left side and was tipped to the right a little. In "Tracks" your camera placement needed to be a little to the right in order to give the convergence of line more symmetry, a tighter cropping to eliminate the drooping wires over the bridge helps this image by removing a destracting element. Again I think your off to a good start, if your not using a tripod and like to do this kind of photography, by all means get one. If you are using one, take a little more time and really look at every thing that will be on the negitive, top to bottom and corner to corner. "Gears" could also benefit from the same approach, putting the bottom edge of the viewfinder parallel with the beam in the lower portion would help to strengthen the image. Keep at it, you'll get there.
Regards, Ron
-- Ron Squires (, January 02, 2000.
great site visit me:
-- dodo (, August 13, 2003.