Jim Brown, Hudson, Ohio Police Chief to speak tonight on www.sightings.comgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Remember Jim Brown, the strangely sane police chief from Hudson, Ohio, with his rational preparedness-oriented website? (http://www.hudson-oh-pd.org/) You might have seen Gary North's posting, or heard him mentioned on y2k shows on Jeff Rense. He is scheduled to speak tonight on Jeff Rense's Sighting's program- between 9:30 and 10:30, I am told. You might want to check the time- Jeff's show starts at 8pm PST on Sundays. This is not yet posted on Sighting's schedule, but they both told me it was all set, so I imagine it is. Hope you enjoy this as much as I will. Yes, maybe it's awfully late to be listening to the voice of reason- but hey---it's good to know it even exists, under the circumstances. Merak
-- merak (merak@kachina.net), December 12, 1999