What do you hate being reminded of?

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What do you hate being reminded of?--Al

-- Al Schroeder (al.schroeder@nashville.com), December 10, 1999


I don't want to be reminded of Mother's Day. Yes I know I am a mother, but it is so hard for me to find a card for my own mother. All those mushy sentiments for a mother who can still make me cry at 60 years old! I don't even want to go to church and hear all those flowery platitudes.

-- Bonnie (steelers1@express-news.net), December 15, 1999.

i also dislike that soupy, goopy stuff. i let that go through my head, whether visual or oral and look at the love in their eyes. the media, i just ignore. another thing i don't like to be reminded of is that it is time to get up in the morning, i'm a slow starter, and being retired, i don't have to jump up and throw on my clothes on the way to the car.

-- fleur-de-lis (ionoi@webtv.net), December 15, 1999.

The people who ring up and ask to speak to my father...

-- smallkat (smallkat@hotmail.com), December 15, 1999.

small kat - - - you will reach an age where asking to speak to your father will be considered a great compliment. i don't like to be reminded of the april 15 deadline to remit to the infernal revenue stilettos.

-- fluer-di-lis (ionoi@webtv.net), December 15, 1999.

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