Response to OT: THIS IS WHY I THINK Y2K WILL NOT BE THE END OF THE WORLD. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Ms. Logic, Your opinion is welcome here. May I add, however, when voicing an opinion, it might be wise to think about effective communication. Your last paragraph, and yes, I've read your reiteration, served only to alienate many forum participants. Why? Because the majority of the participants on this forum are decent people who do not wish TEOTWAWKI and would neither condone nor participate in terrorist activities. Perhaps a more effective sentence would have been, "In, conclusion, the only thing I'm going to worry about are people planning on bombing bridges..." etc. Surely, with your intelligence, you have researched Y2K and have heard about 'threats' from sources other than this forum. After stating your opinion, then be prepared for debate on the oil issue. I take no offense in your statement because I am giving you the benefit of doubt, and I am assuming you meant no insult, but rather you have underestimated the power of words carelessly arranged. If I am wrong, and you meant to venture a judgement on the participants of this forum, then you must take responsibility for your judgement and reap the consequences. I wish you well.

-- Casey DeFranco (, December 09, 1999

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