Canning nuts : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone know how to can nuts (fresh almonds, acorns, etc.) in either a canner or in the oven?

-- Sharon Lonewolf (, December 04, 1999


Here's a recipe I found at another web-site. I've never tried it but it may work good.

Canning Nutmeats

Remove the nutmeats from the shell.

Sterilize pint or half-pint jars by boiling for 15 min. Air-dry the jars.

Spread the nutmeats in a single layer on cookie sheets in the oven at a low temperature.(no more than 275 degrees) until they are roasted, but not browned. Stirring a bit from time to time.

Keep hot and pack quickly into warm jars. Put on boiled ( but dry) lids and pressure can for 10 minutes at 5 lbs.

You may also water bath for 20 min, but be sure to keep the water level below the rim of the jar.

Remove the jars and let cool. These nuts will stay good for years and not go rancid.

-- Jason Youngblood (, December 05, 1999.

Thanks for passing the recipe on... I plan on using it. Now, I'm mighty interested in seeing that website... couldja pleeze...?

-- Sharon Lonewolf (, December 05, 1999.

Here's the thread...

The main discussion site is... It has lots of info....some useful,some not, so just surf around.

-- Jason Youngblood (, December 05, 1999.

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