C2020 Manual focus?? / Why no sony?? (for the editor )

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi Folks,

No. 1.Congrats on a great site!!! I look at the other sites for reviews and comments but always come back here. You guys seem to be the only ones to provide side by side comparisons of images taken under controlled conditions. Congratulations again for providing a site that compares apples with apples.

OK buttering you up aside, could you provide me with answers to three questions please?

1. The Olympus C2020Z is touting full manual focus. Is this A) Dial in a distance you think it is? Or B) Full manual with focus displayed on the LCD (EG, zoom controller can be switched to focus controller?).

2. What did Sony do to you folks??? Not a review in sight. I would love to see your low light tests on the DSC F505!!!

3. Has anybody decided that an IR filter fixes the Purple fringe on the Oly2000 & Coolpix 950 yet??? (and is it still a problem on the C2020??)

Thats about it, Thanks in advance. Eddy (PS I know this is a public forum, I'll assume the Imaging Resource folks pop their heads in here now and again.)

-- Geoff Edwards (edwards_geoff@hotmail.com), December 04, 1999

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