Woods & Waters Inc.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Has anyone experienced problems with Woods & Waters Inc., regarding contracts, acreage, etc., except for foreclosure on non-payment.Please let me know what the specifics are, e.g., location of the property, how resolved (if at all to your satisfaction), who you complained to.
-- Christina Lannen (crlannen@hotmail.com), December 03, 1999
I have no experience with these people, only stumbled across their web site recently. I would be reluctant to do business with them. By looking at the plats, you could very likely end up with unuseable land. If Waters,etc. has any mention of who is buillding a road to the properties, and who is providing the land for the right of way for the road, I didn't notice it. That could be a very large consideration. Some states only require that you be allowed walking access to your property. Also, we bought land on contract once, through a realtor, and it was still screwed up. The realtor's lawyer misfigured the payments in relation to the interest, and we ended up with a balloon payment of nearly $4000 on a $10000 note. My dad had to bail us out. We also had just bought 4 acres, with the remainder of the property being parceled out in 1 or 2 acre lots. We ended up with the neighbors from hell--let their stock run loose to eat up our stuff, calling the law on us when any of our stock got loose, calling the law on us for shooting a snake on our own property, etc. And then there were the totally unsupervised packs of kids that roamed for hours on end, getting into everything, throwing rocks and breaking anything glass, etc. NEVER AGAIN. There are still a few small tracts of land available with owner financing. I would suggest contacting several realtors in the general area that you are interested in and trying that. Also, you might be able to find someone that you already know and believe you could get along with that would be willing to go in on the purchase of the land, then have it divided legally so that each of you would have your own land. That might be less expensive. Good luck.
-- Ima Southern (silentrunner_2000@hotmail.com), December 21, 1999.
I have seen them here in Missouri. They have land all over the state. The tracks they advertized out in our area did not seem like such a good deal so I think alot of it is bought by out of stater's wanting to homstead somday. They buy big tracks of land cheep and section it out with roads so you will have a road to your land. You can get a bulldozer for hire for about 60.oo a hour so they don't have alot into it. Alot of the land is rocky and hilly as is alot of south central missouri. The roads are put in by way of downing the trees and laying chat a rough gravel road. I don't know if they mantain them or if they just put them in and its up to you to take care of them. Tho electric is at the county roads I don't know if they have taken it down the property roads so this could cost. When we had a well put on our place it cost about 3500.00 and we get 20 gal a min that will run 2 houses. The plus to woods and Waters is there is no down and they finance themselfs. The taxes out here are low. I have 9 acres with a well and very small old shed and my taxes are 3.00 a years. Yes you read that right. We have not built on it yet, but with a house and garage and barn I am still only looking at 250.oo I have never heard anything bad about them out here but it would be worth a trip to look at the land and see what they have before you buy it!! Also the prices out here are low so are paying jobs. Most people make under 7.00 a hour. I worked at a sewing factory with a women that was a x-ray teck because she could make more in the sewing factory doing piece work. Get the picture
-- Teresa Bourgoin (c3ranch@hotmail.com), June 04, 2001.