need advice on shooting good footage with : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I have a xl-1 and is a great camera. However, my knowledge of camera are only good to certain levels and I know I can do a lot more with the xl-1 if my camera skills are better. Does anyone know any websites or books that would allow me to know more about shooting/cameraworks. Any word of advise would be great too.I especially want to learn about exposures, and gains on the camera...actually, anything that would allow me to shoot great footage
Thanks in advance.
-- Aaron (, December 02, 1999
Hi aaronI have an XL1 and have a bit the same problem as you anayhow I might be able to help you with some links I found during my invest
A link to lighting for TV productions, very handy;
How to get filmlook tips
Some more info
there exist a hand book from maybe that's what you're looking for
-- ron naber (, December 07, 1999.
I found this page full of DV links
-- ron (ronsletters@yahoo.Com), December 16, 1999.