Whats the best 3ccd mini dv for less then $2,300? : )greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
Im looking for a 3CCD, mini DV camera for a full leanth film that i'm shooting on cape cod. i only have about $2000, buy i might be able to push the $$$ limit. I'm looking at the canon GL-1, the the sony DCR-TRV900 and the DCR-VX1000. But anything will be of help, thank you.
-- James H. (one100films@aol.com), November 30, 1999
good luck with your shot. im in the eastern mass area if you need help e-mail me and we will talk.
-- logan m. (lifeutopia@aol.com), November 30, 1999.
THe GL-1 has an automatic gain control on the audio that cannot be shut off. If you use it, I hope you don't have any dramatic pauses.
-- Thomas Koch (tomk@3cm.net), December 04, 1999.
Dramatic pauses that effect the audio can be cut out in post production. Use your head genious.
-- Friend (Friend@hotmail.com), December 11, 1999.
The 900 is nice. I own it. You do have the manual audio control, makes for better audio control.
-- Nathaniel (teebrain@hotmail.com), December 13, 1999.
If you can't spell corectly I doubt your film will require 3ccd
-- giles (giles@gringo.com), May 21, 2001.
Well well giles, since you are so smart, maybe YOU can spell "corectly" correctly! Smarty pants.
-- Sid (sidtran@hotmail.com), August 08, 2001.
I would assume that if you are making a full length film that you are recording your audio seperately anyway. I own a GL1 and I can tell you that it's video quality is virtually identical to that of the XL1. They both are 3 ccd's projecting through 1/4" crystals at 270,000 pixels per ccd.
-- Bryce Surface (jmarvel@comteck.com), February 13, 2002.
I like the Sony TRV950. You can get the US model (non grey market) new for about 1700.00 US via search on mysimon.com with the full warranty. 1 megapixel pictures off the vid is nice. 12x optical zoom and the optical stablization are both nice. I don't prefer the digital stablization. Hope your video "film" came out OK if you ever see this. FYI: the greens from video cameras are not vibrant green like in film, but with some tweaking you can get close. The real motion picture (film) cameras are just too expensive for most people to afford and work with. You CAN rent them, but once again it's expensive to work with those pups. Good luck!
-- Billy R (solar4camping@juno.com), February 17, 2003.
well like I said above the Sony TRV900 or even Canon GL-1E is nice for your $$ range, both have the optical stablization. If your Cape Cod video was a success then maybe upgrade to the new HDTV cameras. check out the new Sony HDW-F900 CineAlta ... over 2 megapixels with 24 frame/s format! suggest rental. I suspect the HDTV cameras should be rolling out for less in the future.
-- Bill (solar4camping@juno.com), February 17, 2003.