Stock up on now on healing herbs : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Have been meaning for months to post a good deal of info. about herbs, and putting it off till I "had time" to do a good job of it. Not going to get that kind of time, so here is some intro. info. Suggest you quickly buy a book or two, so you understand the healing power inherent in herbs, and can figure out which ones you want to have on hand and how you will probably use them. People tend to think just of herbal teas or capsules. But you can make your own salves, tinctures, oils, etc. Some good books: THE COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED HOLISTIC HERBAL, by David Hoffmann. $10.96 from THE COMPLETE MEDICINAL HERBAL by Penelope Ody HERBS FOR THE HOME MEDICINE CHEST by Rosemary Gladstar PLANETARY HERBOLOGY, by Michael Tierra (also wrote THE WAY OF HERBS) THE BOOK OF HERBAL WISDOM by Matthew Wood THE YOGA OF HERBS by Vasant Lad & David Frawley Includes information about the elelmental qualities of the herbs and how they affect the Ayurvedic constitutional types. Also info. on how to know if your flu (for instance) is Vata, Pitta or Kapha in its quality. So you can choose the herbs best suited to you and your immediate imbalance. I presume has these titles. That is also a good place to read reviews of the books. Now I'll mention just a few random tidbits of info. to give you an idea how useful herbs could be for you. - Hot infusion of dried elder flowers is great for flu, colds, pneumonia... An herbalist who lived at the time of the terrible flu epidemic of 1918 wrote "It will not only save at the eleventh hour, but at the very last minte of that hour." - St John's Wort is wonderful for wounds, sores, burns,, etc. Many of the old homeopaths said it could cure tetanus even after it had set in. During the bombing of London, wounds dressed with Hypericum did not admit tetanus even in one case, though those treated in the conventional manner did. - Yarrow for deep fever, and burns. Also for radiation, from whatever source. (including radiation and chemotherapy treatments) - Plantain helps pull gaping wounds together, and prevents infection in wounds. Draws out venom of insects stings and snakebites. (Chew leaves and apply as poultice. Has worked even in case of black widow spider bite. Treated woman lived, her untreated friend bitten at same time died.) Draws mucous out of the lungs. Pulls infections out of gums. I mention these just to give you an idea how wonderful healing herbs are. In many cases they can do what nothing else can do. They are not a substitute for drugs. They are better than drugs. As well as much cheaper. And you do not need a prescription. I do not wish to get into agruments with those who have read an article someplace stating that herbs are "dangerous." Salt and pepper are dangerous. Water is dangerous. More than 10% of those hospitalized today are there because of a drug their dr. gave them. The lists of "side effects" of popular drugs are a nightmare. How many people do you personally know who were ever injured by an herb? How many by a conventional medical drug or treatment? I'm stating this in advance because I have seen the wild arguments here about colloidal silver, etc. I am just offering this info. for those who are interested in it. If you are opposed for some reason, fine. "You pays your money and you takes your choice." I only wish to share information.

-- Shivani Arjuna (, November 29, 1999


Latest issue of Mother Earth News has a nice article on alternative (herbal) medicines. Along with a 4 or 5 page chart to figure out what your alternatives (to brand name) are. Good article, great mag.

-- Jim Miller (, November 30, 1999.

Shivani... great post!

If you had around two hundred to spend on herbs, which and what quantities would you get?


-- Mumsie (, December 01, 1999.

(Will someone clue me in how to post with actual paragraphs? Sorry about my posts running all together.)  Some good websites: An utterly fantastic site. So much info. on herbs you could be here for days. Lots of info. and they sell organic herbs. Another biggie. Organic herbs. Free e-newsletter organic herbs Sells plants and seeds. Good selection. organic herbs

-- Shivani Arjuna (, December 01, 1999.

Hawthorne is good for those who have heart problems. Feverfew is good for headaches. Both should be taken daily. Garlic is good for most every thing, from lowering blood pressure to lowering cholesterol, to fighting infection. Cayenne is good for digestion and helps make other herbs work (but can have a burning effect if not taken with something like ginger). These can all be taken regularly. Be aware that many herbs need to be pulsed--taken, then discontinued, before being resumed. I have bottles of peppermint oil as a breath freshener. Essential oils are wonderful, including lavender and tea tree oil. Others for aromatherapy.

But most important are vitamins. Women, take your calcium and magnesium--guys could use some, too (dairy ffoods are no substitute). Take C and E on a regular, daily basis. There are so many, but these are the most important. Other minerals and specialty items are goo. I just bought some dry A as I fear we won't have enough fresh foods next year.

-- Mara (, December 03, 1999.

Mumsie,  Different people need different herbs, so cannot tell you what to get. People of the three major Ayurvedic constitutional types are prone to three entirely different sets of dis-eases. Herbs that asre often needed and very helpful for a person with a firey Pitta (proned to fevers, rashes, infections...) constitution would not be helpful at all for a chilly Vata.  Befdore I studied Ayurveda I could not figure out why some of the most popular herbs made me sicker than I was in the first place. When I read my first Ayurvedic herb chart I immediately saw that all those herbs were ones very detrimental to my consitutional type. I am a Vata type, lots of air and ether. Qualities include dryness, coldness. Herbs that are bitter (Echinacea, Pau de Arco, Golden Seal...) have a great deal of air/ether and really put a Vata person out of whack. Can bring on chills, a mental "hum" or dizziness, constipation, insomnia, lower back pain, pointless jabbering.... If you are thin, chilly, somewhat absent-minded, chances are you are Vata.  Garlic is not the best "antibiotic" herb for a couple of reasons. It kills the good guy bacteria in the intestines. And if taken regularly it also dulls the mind. (Ayurveda classifies all foods as Sattvic/producing mental harmony, Rajasic/producing mental agitation and excess desire, or Tamasic/increasing lassitude, negligence) Garlic is very firey, so Fire people will be quite aggravated by it. It will greatly increase their tendency toward hot-headedness! And all other problems caused by excess of fire.  So you see that different people need different herbs. That is why I mentioned books you could read. For the Ayurvedic perspective on herbs, THE YOGA OF HERBS is a great book.  Another important point is that herbal tinctures/extracts are much more effective than teas, powders, tablets, etc. More of the herbal activity reaches you, and more quickly, too. So these are worth spending a bit more on. Even better, learn to make your own.

-- Shivani Arjuna (, December 03, 1999.

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