Sony FD7 verses Nikon Collpix 800 for web : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I use a Sony MVC-FD7 for the web at 640x480 which has worked OK to a point. I am planning to buy a Nikon Coolpix 800 to improve quality.

I have noted in the forum that it is recomended to shoot 680x480 and not to shoot larger and resize down, in that case should I just keep the FD7 or will the Nikon be a big improvement shooting 680x480 over the FD7 ?


-- Dave McCleave (, November 28, 1999


As an owner of a FD7, I can say this. Get the Nikon. just because you are only shooting 640x480 now does not mean you won't need high resolution pictures later on. It also more features than the Mavica. The only loss, is that 10x optical zoom. But then, you still have the Mavica. If you are intent on the Nikon, there are two things you need to buy also. Rechargeable batteries and charger(NiMh or Lithium) And, a card reader Parallel or USB.

-- David Erskine (, November 28, 1999.

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