Lawrence Monson, new guest : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I just read on the wires that someone named Lawerence Monson who is an actor and writer, will join ER and have an intimate relationship with AK's character, Liz Corday. I guess there just aren't the same sparks as with Benton.
-- leslie collins (, November 23, 1999
He guest-stars on the Christmas episode which airs 12/16. From UltimateTV:<
> I don't know about "intimate relationship".
-- random person (, November 23, 1999.
The only sort of future relationship between these two would be rapist and victim. I hope the writers aren't going for this soap box scenerio. Prisioner escapes from jail and rapes and victimizes doctor who saved his life. If they go in that directon, they might as well have Doug go visit Susan in Arizona and on their way to dinner that can be in a disfiguring car accident which results in both of thm having extensive plastic surgery. This would enable the TPTB the option of hiring totally different actors to play those parts and lay open all new possbilities for future story lines.
-- Lindsay Zipprich (, December 17, 1999.