Video for the : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
Hi everyone. My husband is into video on the web, so I was hoping for some advice in looking for his Christmas gift. I want to get him everything he needs for shooting and posting short films on the net using his PC.I'm wondering what is the best kind of camera to use, and how to go about editing it and posting it on my website. Initially, we'd like to just play around with my family videos, but we'd like to take up theis hobby and create other video shorts. I have experience with linear editing, but the whole DV and non-linear editing thing is new to me. I guess I'm looking for the best bang for my buck.
I don't want to spend too much money, as this is just a hobby. Similarly, I don't want to be too limited in what we can do in the future.
Thanks so much for your help. Mari
-- mariella (, November 22, 1999