Seattle Commercials airing during Y2K Movie on NBC : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

First: There are no nuclear power plants in or around the Seattle area. Phew!

Any Pacific Northwesterners catch the ads airing between breaks during 'Y2k: The Movie' last night?

Two ads aired for a Y2k prep company, J. Michael Stevens, focusing on providing year supply worth of food with obvious ominous (and timely) undertones, and ended with the phrase "There won't be any breadlines if we all have our own bread".

I personally don't ever recall this advertiser EVER having commericals in print, broadcast or elsewhere in the Seattle area in any of the local popular mediums. They gave an 800 number to call (800-353-9444) for information.

In calling this number this morning, I was aksed for my zip code and geographic location. They appear to be a legit organization, although fronting more commonly known goods such as PermaPak. They're located in Utah.

According to the person on the phone, other prep companies advertise in Utah regularly, usually on cable TV. Interesting!

-- PrepSeattle (, November 22, 1999


Hello from East of the Cascades. We didn't have the same commercials that you did. In fact, we had 2 commercials from banks telling us how safe our money was, and that they were fully ready for Y2K.

-- (, November 22, 1999.

J. Michael Stevens is based in Salt Lake, and they are one of the oldest long-term food storage companies in existence. They are about as "legit" as anyone can be.

-- C. Hill (, November 22, 1999.


Saw the same two commercials on the Portland station. During a movie that was otherwise unremarkable, the Stevens ads made me go hmmm....

We will be Y2ok because BPA says so! But.......


-- Ez (, November 22, 1999.

For the record the leading post to this thread is not an advertisement. The usual disclaimer regarding no affliation with the organization. I know because my wife posted it. :)

We were quite frankly amazed that mainstream network aired such a "doomer type" commercial. Definitely geared towards prepping specifically for Y2k (in full screen letters).

I spoke with them this morning to get the facts as to who they were, where they were, and what they were doing. Definitely a commercial org/distributor for various long term food storage items (with multiple suppliers).

From our perspective, not receiving cable programming, this was the first time we had ever seen anything that had to do with serious or any type of personal preparations via the television medium (other than the "standard 3 day storm stuff"). We were shocked to see something that to this point has been, "in the closet", so to speak, as far as general awareness, and JQ Public. We thought we would share this as we haven't seen anything like this before. (Maybe we live sheltered lives) :)


Best Wishes to All!

-- Ken Mitcham (, November 22, 1999.

The only commercial I remember from last night was the McDonald's FRY2K!!

LMAO - very funny.

-- Clyde (, November 22, 1999.

Hi Ez :-) Liked the commercial. Would be comforted by BPA's proclamations if it weren't for their troll, The Engineer, who posts his take on TB2K and gives us the willies ...

-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (, November 22, 1999.

WOW now people who post factual information to refute the lunatic ramblings of the cult are "trolls".....what are you idiots going to think of next?

-- Ashtoned and Lessfilling (give@me.abreak), November 22, 1999.

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