Help! Need advice on leaking : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Help! My newly constructed concret cistern is leaking badly. I drained it completely an found cracks in the bottom. I dried it, calked the cracks with waterproof concrete/masonry calking, and refilled. It is still leaking over 10% of total capacity in just 3 days. Maybe it's seeping through the "waterproof cement" coating on the inside. Maybe I need to pour a new floor and waterproof it. My cistern is 8 feet long, 7 feet wide, 11 feet deep and the concrete walls are 4 inches thick. It is a buried cistern. Any recomendations?
-- Tom (, November 22, 1999
I've read about a material thats used for surface bonding cement block. In fact I think it was in countryside. In the example given you simply stack the block and apply the bonding material with a trowel I think. They built a tank with it so I assume it doesn't leak.
-- john leake (, November 22, 1999.
Tom,There is a product, I think it is called UGL, that is an epoxy type paint that is usually used to keep water from seeping into basements. Lumber Yards and larger hardware stores sometimes have a display set up with a waterproofed cinderblock coated with the stuff.
If it'll keep water from seeping in it should keep water from leaking out. I don't know if you can use it for the inside of potable water storage cisterns.
Hope this helps Cheers
-- Joseph F. Longshaw (, November 23, 1999.
my cistern is lined with rubber roofing - it DOESN'T leak - I designed the cistern to not include any seams - if you have to have seams to complete the shape make sure you use the proper cement for the rubber
-- kirby johnson (, November 23, 1999.
If it has a lid, make sure it is WELL ventilated before using ANY chemical ie epoxy.
-- Greg Sanderson (, April 14, 2000.