Thanks to dbvz... : LUSENET : I-695 Thirty Dollar License Tab Initiative : One Thread

I'd like to take a quick moment for thanking dbvz, my current debating nemesis for being a courteous 695 opponent. He's thoughtful, unhateful, and civil in his comments. And thanks to all else who have been as such and remain so.

-- Paul Oss (, November 19, 1999



I just saw this. Thanks. I enjoy the exchange of perspective, and the exploration of issues. Some on this forum seem to think this is more than a conversation. It's just "talk" among 30 or 40 people who don't know each other; with no likelihood of changing the world, and little likelihood of changing any minds. Why not keep it civil?

But then, I don't know these people, and the comments on this forum may be as civil as they get. Our "example" does not seem to influence them. I appreciate your comments; and the encouragement to others to be thoughtful, unhateful, and civil.

-- dbvz (, November 22, 1999.

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