IS THIS DESPERATION OR WHAT! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Went to Albertsons/Lucky's this morning, and I only bought one item. The checker put a bright red and white box in my bag. I stopped and took it out and couldn't believe it. I asked what it was, and the checker said "be sure to read it, it's free." "And come back and get your supplies here." It's a Red Cross Ready Pak. On the front it says "Generously sponsored by Pacific Bell Wireless" American Red Cross Bay Area Chapter. There's a little puppy on the front (his name is Ready), with the words "I'm Ready Are You?" Inside the box is a video tape that says "Family Disaster Plan -- Disaster Supplies Kit 24:38." There's several brochures, one says "Free Digital Phone! Free Groceries! When you donate $20 to the American Red Cross. See back panel for details. In big letters "Y2K WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW"

Remember how the Red Cross said to prepare for 3 days? The brochure says to stock supplies for several days to a week for yourself and those who live with you. Have extra cash on hand or travelers checks in case the ATM doesn't work. Withdraw small amounts of money prior to 12/31/99. Keep your gas tank above half full. (Here's one for all you DGIs) BE PREPARED TO RELOCATE TO A SHELTER FOR WARMTH AND PROTECTION DURING A PROLONGED POWER OUTAGE OR IF FOR ANY OTHER REASON LOCAL OFFICIALS REQUEST OR REQUIRE THAT YOU LEAVE YOUR HOME (let me translate that in 6 words GET ON THE BIG WHITE BUS).

There were boxes and boxes of these kits they were giving out to people for free, and just in time for the Y2K movie. Do you think people will get it?

-- bardou (, November 19, 1999



This is just the kind for situation that will bring out the TV stations. When that happens don't be near a grocery store or risk being run over.

Maybe, just maybe, people will read the kit and think that this conflicts with the party line significantly and start getting over the denial.

-- PJC (, November 19, 1999.

Every rational bone in my body says, YES, SURELY they will finally get it after all the publicity that Y2K is getting (even if a lot of it is not exactly being presented in the most responsible way).

But, somehow, I think the answer may very well end up being ... NO. Either because they will just take the attitude of "Gee, it's too late now, might as well just sit tight and hope things work out OK" or simply because they really, truly and honestly DON'T CARE. (How can I say such a thing? With yesterday's DOW closing above 11,000, how can I NOT say such a thing?? "Mania In Paradise".)

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), November 19, 1999.

The party will continue full blast in the Titanic ballroom right up until the ship hits the berg. Even then, they'll use the ice chips to cool the champagne. When the freezing water hits their ankles they will GET IT and not before.....

-- RDH (, November 19, 1999.

Grandma said she would prep. Today I told her that she needs to get started. She pointed to the grocery down the street and said she would make a run soon. The manager at that very store told me last week that he's having increasing difficulty getting the y2k-type food supplies. Then she said she just didn't have any money to prep with because Christmas was coming.

I think that sums up the majority attitude toward prepping. A RedCross box wouldn't change her bank balance.

Yes, she knows I'll come get her when it's time.

-- helen (, November 19, 1999.

I doubt it, bardou, but I think it's a nice touch (even if a little late and no doubt a little self-serving).

-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), November 19, 1999.

Nothing like that on Kaua'i, yet...

I wonder how many more people will make at least some additional preparations because of this...

-- Mad Monk (, November 19, 1999.

The county we live in, in Virginia, mailed out the Red Cross Y2K broshure, a broshure on water storage, and several FEMA Disaster preparedness broshures, about a month ago. They really didn't say anything else, just sent the broshures. In the next Sunday paper there was a blurb in the anouncements section of the classifieds that anounced that the mailer was sent. That was it. I haven't noticed whether it prompted anyone to prep. or not. I hope some people GI and have been quietly getting supplies. It was so low key that I doubt it.

-- loveitinthecountry (, November 19, 1999.

What is this about that a serious option for the Bay Area where the weather is usually mild??

Just 21 Federal workdays Thanksgiving there will be less than 20.

It's getting short!

-- K. Stevens (kstevens@ It's ALL going away in, November 19, 1999.

Duh. Standard Red Cross Emergency advice. Duh.

You failed to mention the brochure says "be prepared" and "in case of emergency" and "if there is a power outage" or language similar to that.

The same text is here:

-- duh (duh@duh.duh), November 19, 1999.

Relocation is one of the corner stones of the FEMA disaster plan. The 3 day prep story is designed to cover THEM...not it is alleged that it will take FEMA 3 days to get the system operational. I have no information on specific areas of the nation such as the Bay area in California, or anywhere else. Suffice to say, if they come for you, you have two choices...comply meekly and be taken away or, or ,or...well I think you can figure out what number two is.

Good Luck.



-- Irving (, November 19, 1999.

How do you relocate 250+ MILLIONS of people???

Hitler did it to 12 million, took 4+ years and it was a logistical NIGHTMARE!!!

-- K. Stevens (kstevens@ It's ALL going away in, November 19, 1999.


That sounds keen. I wish everyone in northwestern Ohio was as aware as you are. But 'taint so.

The only people who GI will be the ones who have chosen to prepare.

The OTHERS will panic because they won't have considered the DIRE CONSEQUENCES. It's not our fault. We warned them...

Be thankful to our Living God that He has opened your eyes.

-- Randolph (, November 19, 1999.


I thought to add this commentary:

What you have witnessed in the NYSE is an absolute mania. ALL of the experts have not predicted such an unexpectedly HIGH rise in the NASDAQ. Is this situation normal? NO! When will the bubble burst? We don't know, and neither do the *experts*.

Of this you and the other readers can be sure:

Every stock mania results in a SUDDEN COLLAPSE!

The bulls are heading for the cliff, and common sense will not be able to stop their plummet!

-- Randolph (, November 19, 1999.

Randolph I agree with you. I have this feeling that I can't shake. I'm not the type of person to "jump on the band wagon," and I'm not the type of person that rolls over and takes the heat. Everything happens for a reason because everything must work naturally together in order to have harmony. Is it a natural thing for mankind to be so reliant on oil that it's very existance will become our demise? Is it a natural thing for mankind to be so dependent on chemicals and the manipulation of nature to produce more food and kill more fungus and insects only to discover that we are killing the earth instead? Though mankind has benefited from technology the past 100 years, technology has not mastered everything. Your right Randolph, it will be a sudden collapse, and the results will be more than what any of us can comprehend. It's a wait and see game now, and the herd is ready to leap off the edge.

-- bardou (, November 19, 1999.

hey randolph.. you live near toledo?

-- jeremiah (, November 20, 1999.

Jeremiah you in Detroit or south thereof??


who goes through there a couple times a month now.

-- Chuck, a night driver (, November 20, 1999.


I concur my brother and I discuss almost nightly the sense that we are in the middle of the last Roman orgy on Wall St. (I'm sure the chartists have other names.) Being a bull-turned-bear has been a little emotionally challenging this year as the party went on without me. Nonetheless, I have come to terms with it on the notion that this is a natural final phase of a blowout. Duck when the entrails fly. DOW 1000? It's not just Y2K gloom, you can make a cogent argument for it based on valuations and reduced earnings next year (from a huge correction).

-- Dave (, November 20, 1999.

Thank you for that info Bardou! KoS, here's my take on this. This will merely REINFORCE the DGIs. Why?!? That phrase, "And come back and get your supplies here." will initiate the kneejerk reaction of repeating the mantra, "Y2K is a scam to sell stuff".

Wish it wasn't true, I'm sure that for some small minority it will act as a wake up call, but not for enough people.

-- Ken Seger (, November 20, 1999.

I bet a bag of rice that there won't be a panic after the Y2K movie. Perhaps a rise in prep sales, but no real panic. The "calm the herd" campaign from gov. and the media has been just too effective . That was what I predicted when I heard the RealAudio media conference last winter, and so far they've done a great job at it and will continue.

For those who like Bardou wonder if mankind is doing "the natural thing" and how we've come to be this way, and where we're heading , if you haven't read "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn yet, I recommend it highly. It changed my view on life 180 degree. A jarring eye opener is an understatement.

-- Chris (#$%^&, November 20, 1999.

Went to Albertsons here in the Arizona desert, and they have heard nothing of the video or brochures. They did confirm that in No. California it is called Albertsons/ Lucky due to a recent aquisition. When I informed them of bardou's experience, they said the Bay Area is a test market, and if successful, they expect to be part of the program within two weeks at the latest.

Thanks for the info, bardou!

-- K. Stevens (kstevens@ It's ALL going away in, November 20, 1999.

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