Does anyone else think this is funny : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

In Detroit News business section thursday in article about U.S. cost of Y2K remediation, Commerce Department predicted the impact of Y2K computer failures on the economy would be merely "something like a tangled shoelace for a world class marathon runner."

-- JB (, November 19, 1999


I guess the magnitude of the runner's problem would depend on HOW FAST HE WAS RUNNING, hmmmm?

-- Dennis (, November 19, 1999.

"Road rash", sprains, bruses and perhaps broken bones. No, thats no problem for a runner. NOT!!

-- Larry Dreadon (, November 19, 1999.

The image painted is very colorful.

-- head traumn (, November 19, 1999.

**"Road rash", sprains, bruses and perhaps broken bones. No, thats no problem for a runner. NOT!!**

.....Not to mention getting run over by the herd.

-- Patrick (, November 19, 1999.

Good analogy--a seemingly little thing that brings the whole act down.

-- Mara (, November 19, 1999.

Yeah, one shoelace got tangled with the other shoelace on the other shoe.

-- Guy Daley (, November 19, 1999.

GOOD ONE DENNIS. IT IS TOO EARLY TO LAUGH THAT HARD. i can just picture kosky running full speed, then splat--face down because of his tangled shoe laces.

-- tt (, November 20, 1999.

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