What is the least expensive 1-chip DV camera you can buy? (brand new)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
-- S.E.S. (gsymon@blclinks.net), November 14, 1999
Try the Sony trv310. 3.5 inch lcd screen. saw it today at best buy for $949.00. Add 150.00 for extended battery.(well worth it). Have seen it advertised at a mail order place for $649.00. There is a version trv103 for less at Best Buy, but the lcd is 2.5 inch. I've had mine for about 5 months, have shot weddings, birthday parties, concerts, baptism this Sat. and am taping laser eye surgery at the end of the month. Great camera tapes are cheap 2 for $9.99 at Walmart or Best buy. Can do many digital effects for in camera editing and can shoot still pictures to download. Come on Best Buy Buy give me a discount. Have talked two friends into the same purchase including extended warranty. Any questions feel free to Email Stinkydog films@aol.com Oh yeah the trv510 has a color viewfinder. I prefer BW viewfinder.
-- mike marston (stinkydog films@aol.com), November 14, 1999.
Thanks Mike.
-- S.E.S. (gsymon@blclinks.net), November 15, 1999.