Agenda - especially ENG camera : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
Hi, Sorry if this seems a bit forward, and please don't regard this as spam, but I'm busy surfing the net looking for freelance film and video people who might be interested in an organisation I'm busy setting up called Agenda. The inspiration came from the Magnum photographers collective, and basically it comes down to trying to get distribution to broadcasters for the best freelancers, indie film/documentary makers, camera operators and video activists. The organisation is open by invitation only, so that we acquire a reputation for quality. It costs nothing, except commission on sold productions/footage; so it's basically a sort of idealistic agency. There's deliberately chosen for a company structure rather than a charity, because the financial and practical demands mean that the restrictions of operating a charity will just cause problems. However, in the long run, the plan is that many of the people who are actually making the "products" will also be joint-owning the company. We're also hoping that in the not-too-distant future we'll also have the money to fund productions ourselves. Anyway, all this is explained much better in a letter-document. For reasons of netiquette, i've not included it here, but if you drop me a mail, I'll send it to you, explaining everything in much more detail. Hope this of some interest to some of you.Regards,
-- Jerry Dawson (, November 14, 1999