Goodbye to this : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Hello,Goodbye to all here. Time for me to go. My work here is finished. Time to move on to my next project.
This forumn has been an interesting learning experience. Not on Y2K so much; rather on the mentalities here. Very illuminating to me what's going on out there between various sets of ears. This is of interest to me since I've always thought human reaction will make Y2K about three times worse than it otherwise would be.
Well, I guess my "favorite fan" will have to find a new "boyfriend" to track thru the server logs now. Huggs to 'ya! Take good care of yourself, sweetie! :) Best wishes to you!!
Moving on to new places,
-- Genius (, November 12, 1999
Does anyone know who this person is?Does anyone care that he/she/it is leaving?
Is there a cake somewhere...? IF so I want a slice.
-- we celebrate (when@someone.leaves), November 12, 1999.
Wheeeeeeewwww. Thank god.
-- Will continue (, November 12, 1999.
Oh, it's a person? Given all those predictable cliches and hackneyed phrases, I thought it was an automated troll attendant.
-- Old Git (, November 12, 1999.
Awww be nice!! I've often thought this forum is pointless because what's gonna happen is gonna happen and I'm tired of reading what other people think is going to happen because no one knows..... well... the shadow knows.... pass some cake over here!
-- Diane (, November 12, 1999.
Re: My work here is finished. Time to move on to my next project.Very interesting ... Were we his last project? ... Sometimes I wonder.
-- John (, November 12, 1999.
What a lovely morning "gift!"Thanks Killer (, etc. Hope that bank does well. We'll see. Or not.
Actually, oddly enough, hope you are "fine" too... and Y2K creates an "attitude adjustment" for you.
Be safe... and mature more.
-- Diane J. Squire (, November 12, 1999.
Best of Luck to you, damn I am beginning to feel like I'm in the last days of my Senior Year. Everyone saying good-bye, moving-on. Only I just transfered in! Hope your new places are wonderful!!!
-- graduations&goodbyes (, November 12, 1999.
Good riddance, you pathetic piece of crap.
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), November 12, 1999.
But ---- this project isn't over yet!Sounds of "It's Only Just Begun" in the background ..... Animal House's Belushi's "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor" speech......
-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, November 12, 1999.
Genius,Good luck to you! Some folks should really talk about attitude adustments. Yup...uh huh!
-- (, November 12, 1999.
Killer has a great attitude.He does not shy away from unpleasant realities just because they're a harsh buzz,man.We might find ourselves in a situation next year where a hippy-dippy mentality is more of a liability than an asset.A survival(positive mental attitude) situation might demand doing things would be unthinkable and repugnant.Those unable to adapt would die.Life is not always about being nicey-touchy-feely,even in california.
-- apokoliptik (, November 12, 1999.
Genius pontificated:This is of interest to me since I've always thought human reaction will make Y2K about three times worse than it otherwise would be.
Exactly. Namely, the 'human reaction' of the authorities to downplay the severity until the last friggin minute. And since you are technically a shill for the FRB I hear, you are the problem not us.
Goodbye and Good luck, nonetheless.
-- a (a@a.a), November 12, 1999.
Get thee way far away, troll Satan of the unconstitutional "bank" sucking leech. After having been warned multiple times, YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN by those who count for your disruptions here. May all the anguish, suffering, betrayal, and agony next year boomerang back onto the likes of you thousands-fold in thousands of future existences.When a person dies, it is ordained that s/he must see/feel/hear/smell/touch/experience in sharp detail all aspects of all his life, even to every ripple of his actions and how it affected others. When your evil ugliness slams through every fiber of your being, that knowledge and akashic record will reverberate through your core, will be eoned imprinted, and will subtly miasma influence all you approach.
Reap what you have sowed.
-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (, November 12, 1999.
May all the anguish, suffering, betrayal, and agony next year boomerang back onto the likes of you thousands-fold in thousands of future existences.They'll likely be dead before the end of January, so it looks like you'll get your wish.
-- (its@coming.soon), November 12, 1999.
Happy trails. Don't forget when somebody asks, Do you want the last watch?, that means you're going to be up the rest of the night riding herd. For what that's worth.
-- snooze button (, November 12, 1999.
WOW! A&L!! Trippin' !! Are you two really roomies?
-- SH (, November 12, 1999.
Ahh, he/she will be back... they always do... just morphed with a different name... ignore them, MAYBE they will go away... but I doubt it.snoozin' on the couch... (BAD DOG!)
The Dog
-- Dog (Desert, November 12, 1999.
Some will wonder about the harsh send off that genius is getting. They might ge the wrong idea about some of the truly wonderful people that have expressed themselves so strongly on this thread. Well, genius has gone by many anonymous handles and has expressed him-herself at times in the most crude, unkind, and unintelligent manner. The fact that genius is an employee of the Federal Reserve (or at least he-she dials in consistently from that institution to post disruptive messages on this discussion forum) has given rise to some question about his-her motivations. Was genius, in fact, a shill? Perhaps, we shall never know.Nonetheless, good riddance.
Sincerely, Stan Faryna
-- Stan Faryna (, November 12, 1999.
Wow, Ashton and Leska took the words right out of my mouth! The attitude of "genius" working at the fed really is a great example of how our cuttent administration sees all us regular folks.I look forward to the day when they "get theirs". Of course we won't have to do anything for this to happen. The Lord saith "Vengence is mine."
-- (formerly known as, November 12, 1999.
Folks:Don't worry. Genius will be back, albeit under another name.
-- haha (, November 12, 1999.
Wow! References to the Akashic Record on a Y2K forum! I'm really starting to feel at home here!
-- Ludi (, November 12, 1999.
From: Y2K, ` la Carte by Dancr (pic), near Monterey, CaliforniaNext project, decorating cubicle in bunker.
-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), November 12, 1999.
My, my, isn't that just like a pollyanna to give up. I expect to see more of this... For what's it's worth, good luck...
-- Few (, November 12, 1999.
The mill of the Gods grinds slow, but exceedingly fine, Genius.You can "BANK" on it.
-- patience (is@virtue.itisso), November 12, 1999.
Why will I not be shocked if a new polly miraculously appears tomorrow?
-- Dave (, November 12, 1999.
C'mon, lay off the guy. We're running out of time and he's been busting chops here so long and so often he hasn't really had time to prep. Like so many others he wants to get his beans and rice stocked before the real rush begins. Can you blame him?You go right ahead Genius. We'll all pretend we don't know what you're really doing. But you better hurry. Only 49 days to go.
-- thomas thatcher (, November 12, 1999.
Subject: Response to Genius' Goodbye" ."
-- GoldReal (, November 12, 1999.
Hello,My my....just checked back in here before heading out the door. This is my last day here. The post to this thread are interesting. And this IS my last post (on my last day of posting here) to your board under any handle from any IP, FWIW. In fact, I won't even be back to feed any of you crow next year. You people have become a pitiful bore to me. Yuck.
FWIW, I wonder why some of you attribute so much to a poster based on their IP. Do you think if some poster post from a US Army IP that they are a "shill" of the Joint Chiefs or for that matter ANY portion of the Dept. of Defense. No. Neither am I any type of "shill". Just a technical "grunt" who happens to post as an individual for his individual reasons from wherever it's convienient. I shake my head at how you people trample on civil and privacy rights the way you rail about the constitution. It just fits you so.
I suspect this is just an attempt to boister your own collective sense that you and this forumn are important; and that "TPTB" pay attention to you. After all, with the lack of bad news, what else do you have to cling to, knowing much crow will be served up here next year? Well, I don't know for sure, but I doubt that they do -- except maybe the FBI! I think many of you are dangerous nut cases. I used to work at an insurance company. I guess if I had been posting from there I would be accused of being an "insurance shill", right? And the next industry? Never mind; doesn't matter. You people are mentally pathetic and quite lame brained.
FWIW, as I've stated, I've used this forumn as part of my personal, individual "portal" into the various "meme's" that are part of the Y2K mentality. The place I work at is irrelevant and not a party to anything I do. I'll bet this really dissapoints some of you who cling to various delusions that "TPTB" are trying to "disrupt" you. I doubt it, personally. In fact, here, at STINKBOMB 2000, "dispuption" is defined as anything that does not agree with the doomer delusions running rampant here, IMO. I can't recall any, let alone many, charges of "disruption" leveled at any doomer post attacking "pollies". It would be a waste to have a conversation with you. That's part of the reason I'm leaving this forumn here also today. With most of you anti-society mentally rabid folks, you don't hear, see or think anything except what you want to...based on what you think fits and supports your doomer delusions. Sad. Pathetic.
Many of you have served as excellent "probe material". Thank you. Also, my various handles have simply been "personas" designed by me for specific "probe effect". They worked quite nicely for their intended purpose; nothing more. To any of you who think you know the "real me", all I can say is:
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! (as Genius would put it).
It took a while before I decided to write you off as being mentally as bad as many of you apparently are. In essence, Y2K is simply the latest flagpole to rally around for lots of you. After it turns out not to be TEOTWAWKI, I'm sure you will gravitate to whatever feeds your various "memes" of pessimism, paranoia, and anti-society leanings. Sad. Really sad. You all, as a collective group have certianly diminished my view of humanity as a whole -- at least the parts of it you have revealed yourselves to represent.
Again, thank you all for expressing yourselves. Wish I could say it's been nice to meet you. But it hasn't been. It has, however, been educational. And, no, there is no "report" of you to anyone. Again, this has been my own little jaunt into the Y2K/doomer "meme". Sorry to dissapoint you. But, I know that "denial" is the strongest proof available to your collective delusions. So I leave with a chuckle at your final "shill" meme idiocy. I didn't realize how delusional apparently "normal everyday" people could be. Good bye. Good riddence. Yuck!
YUCK!! I think I'll go home and shower now.
-- Genius (, November 12, 1999.
Many of you have served as excellent "probe material". Thank you. Also, my various handles have simply been "personas" designed by me for specific "probe effect". They worked quite nicely for their intended purpose; nothing more.The guy admits he was trolling!
-- (for@the.record), November 12, 1999.
To any of you who think you know the "real me", all I can say is:BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! (as Genius would put it).
Of course we know the real you. You're just another stupid polly who didn't prepare and has come to the frightening realization that you will be dead in a few months. Oh well.
-- (its@coming.soon), November 12, 1999.
Glad to hear it "Genius"!So you finally decided to take our advice and check yourself into the mental ward to get some help - good for you!! It is best that people like you not be allowed out next year, for the safety of everyone. I'm sure after a few years of shock therapy you'll be an upstanding citizen. Best wishes.
-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), November 12, 1999.
Genius, Are you doing a Frank Sinatra type retirement? You know, where you keep coming back on a regular basis for your "FINAL" post?
-- thomas thatcher (, November 12, 1999.
You ain't left yet???VAMOOSE!!!
The Dog
-- Dog (Desert, November 12, 1999.
"...I've used this forumn as part of my personal, individual "portal" into the various "meme's" that are part of the Y2K mentality...""...After it turns out not to be TEOTWAWKI, I'm sure you will gravitate to whatever feeds your various "memes" of pessimism, paranoia, and anti-society leanings..."
"...Again, this has been my own little jaunt into the Y2K/doomer "meme"..."
"...So I leave with a chuckle at your final "shill" meme idiocy..."
Four "memes" in one post. I think that might be a record.
-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), November 12, 1999.
Hey Genius,I knew you couldn't stay away. You are one of us! It's in your blood, (or whatever you use) and you will soon morph into a true doomer.
Don't fight it. After the first bag of rice, it becomes fun.
got soy?
-- gene (, November 12, 1999.
But he never even got to mud wrestle with KOS!!
-- farmer (, November 12, 1999.
I take back my farewell, civility is obviously not apart of your vocabulary.Ashton and Leska's curse to the 10th power on you.
-- ***** (, November 12, 1999.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass... Ciao!
-- Gia (, November 12, 1999.
Genius spouted: >I suspect this is just an attempt to boister your own collective >sense that you and this forumn are important; and that "TPTB" pay >attention to you.Well. I, for one, would rather TPTB *not* pay attention to me.
-The Outlands
-- The Outlands (me@home.bed), November 14, 1999.
But, but, I just met him and I like him.I haven't been here long enough to know what ideals/theories this man espouses, but his last response was brilliant. How can you people be so cruel?
-- Laura (, November 14, 1999.
Laura,With a response like that, you definitely need to read more of this site before you post again...
Genius wasn't.
watchin' the newbie....
The Dog
-- Dog (Desert, November 14, 1999.
Laura -- Would that "last response" be to the first post or the second?... but his last response was brilliant. How can you people be so cruel?
Are you referring to this brilliant response ...Again, thank you all for expressing yourselves. Wish I could say it's been nice to meet you. But it hasn't been. It has, however, been educational. And, no, there is no "report" of you to anyone. Again, this has been my own little jaunt into the Y2K/doomer "meme". Sorry to dissapoint you. But, I know that "denial" is the strongest proof available to your collective delusions. So I leave with a chuckle at your final "shill" meme idiocy. I didn't realize how delusional apparently "normal everyday" people could be. Good bye. Good riddence. Yuck!
YUCK!! I think I'll go home and shower now
-- doesn'ttakeagenius (, November 14, 1999. Economic News...and negative forumn bias
-- (Who@was.Genius?), March 19, 2002., cinloo!
Mr Polly e-mailed me to today and told me he doesn't plan on ever posting to this forum, so he asked me to post this for :
(Hi, Mr Polly! It's nice we can still be friends!)
"Hi Laura,
Hope all is going well. For you AND your family. Hope your niece is recovering well.
I saw a post on TB2000/Uncensored containing a cut and paste of a post I made on Biffy. "People like that" or some such thread. I don't care to post on any TB2000 forumns anymore, but did want to let you know (and whomever else you care to share with) that I was NOT writting about the folks at TB2000 Uncensored. I was refering to the hard core group of Yourdon's cult, the extreme rabid doomers, that the post describes to a "T". I saw yourdon's new EZBOARD site refered to as TB II. My post was in response to another post where someone on biffy referred to those idiots describing themselves and their heavily censored forumn as the best bunch of intellectuals going or some such thing. Not in my book. That's for sure! As "Genius" would have said,
-- laura (Ladylogic@.....), March 09, 2000.
-- (Who@was.Genius?), March 19, 2002.