Smart Media vs CompactFlash card: how do these memory cards with 1) "floppy disk adapter and 2) WD 95 or WD98 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I understand storage on memory cards (Smart Media and CompactFlash depending on the brand of camera but would it be smart to purchase a floppy disk adapter for quicker, more precise, user friendly download of images from digcam to pc; I have not purchased the digicam to date and still have WD 95 is that also a dilemma for the purchase of these floppy disk adapters? Any assistance would be appreciated since this can be confusing to the novice!!! Thank you..this forum is great!!!

-- Marilyn Walker (, November 11, 1999


We're using Smart Media in a floppy adapter on a PC running Windows 95. It works really well. (Camera is an Olympus D620) Love digital.

-- Eileen Morrisot (, November 11, 1999.

To my knowledge, using the floppy drive adapter to transfer files is not much faster than using a serial cable. But it is more userfriendly.

A faster method is using a parallel port Card reader. Not as userfriendly as the floppy drive adapter since you have to reach in back and disconnect your printer every time you want to download pictures.

Either method is windows 95 friendly USB cameras and readers need Windows 98 for the most part.


-- David Erskine (, November 12, 1999.

Actually, most paralell port CompactFlash card readers have a printer pass through so you don't have to disconnect the printer everytime. They are SO convenient, quick and inexpensive!

-- Jody Kind (, November 12, 1999.

I use a pcmcia adapter with my notebook. It is fast! And it only cost $10.

-- Dave Clark (, November 13, 1999.

I find the floppy disk adapter the most convenient way to download pictures to the PC. I know life is short, but the extra few minutes it takes over other methods is worth it. You can install the flashpath software on any PC, then all you need to do is bring along the disk adapter. I would not base my purchase of a camera on the type media it uses, but keep in mind CF cards wont work in the floppy adapter, only Smartmedia will.

Tom C

-- Tom Colsher (, November 13, 1999.

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